need expert advice on catchers

need expert advice on catchers

Postby sleepdok » Fri Jun 30, 2006 8:19 am

Does a catcher 3 adversely affect a pitcher's performance as much as having a 2b-3 or a 3b-3?

many thanks
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Postby rgimbel » Fri Jun 30, 2006 8:28 am

I am no expert but the "experts" generally feel that catchers ratings are for the most part unimportant what they tend to look at more is their arm. and in no way does it compare in value to 2nd ss or cf
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Postby ArtemusRex » Sun Jul 02, 2006 2:51 am

Also the T rating and PB rating are important. T is the ability to throw someone out on a steal and PB is for Passed Balls. From what I heard, range on a C only comes into play on CATCH-X and throws from outfield/cutoffman throwing a runner out. All important.

Just remember especially in 2006 that most Catchers are now rated at Injury 2 or worse. Because of this, selection of a backup catcher is still pretty important and a 3rd is not a bad idea either (and could be used as an heavily unbalanced extra bat for PH purposes). I have recently employed the stategy of platooning catchers and not overpaying. The cheaper is one who you would use against LHP. Also remember a switchhitter who is used exclusively against RHP pitchers and is unbalanced to R (5R for example) gets more production out of that card and is an extra lefty AB.

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Postby LMBombers » Sun Jul 02, 2006 5:15 am

[quote:894f529c39="ArtemusRex"]selection of a backup catcher is still pretty important and a 3rd is not a bad idea either[/quote:894f529c39]

I strongly dissagree with this statement. Selection of a backup catcher is important just as are all your backup players. The part I dissagree with is the part about a 3rd catcher is not a bad idea due to injuries.

[b:894f529c39]If one of your catchers is out due to injury then your backup catcher CANNOT be injured. If you have 3 catcher elligible players on your roster then all but 1 can be injured at the same time[/b:894f529c39]

Having a 3rd catcher is wasting your money. You would be better off with a backup at another position for your PH instead of another catcher. That is why having your backup catcher with a high injury rating is not a bad idea. This year there are not many low salary catchers with a high injury rate that are useful like there were last year.
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