by Jerlins » Fri Aug 11, 2006 2:49 pm
Buehrle, Lackey, Oswalt, Sabathia to name a few of the *SP's. I won't go into the non *'s. Are their cards as good as the plus $6? No!!! But, I'd rather have those 4 SP's at $16.12, than a Clemens and whatever other slop you can build for the same price. Or if you're so inclined to spend an average of $4 on your other 3 SP's for a total of $23.11, well, thats one less $7 hitter on your team, or one helluva RP/Closer.
Don't get me wrong, I was very successful with RJ or Santana in 05. Their cards, as well as the hitters cards, justified the money spent. This year, if you want similar type hitters, you're paying more for them. Unlike 05, you cant have you're $28 to $32 million staff and walk away with good hitters or basically, a "complete team". Having the big stud pitcher in 06 means A: you're sacrificing the rest of your starting staff, B: you're sacrificing your bullpen, or C: you're sacrificing your hitting.
As mentioned before, its a different philosophy, and of course, there is probably no perfect answer. I won a ring with a starting staff of $15.31 and Heilmann as my only plus $1 RP in Angels Stadium, and I won my other ring with a starting staff of $11.37 (the cost of Clemens alone) and only 2 RP's (Heilmann and Hasegawa) over $1, at the Cell. And no, my division was not weak, it finished at a plus 48 wins. The only time I finished with a sub .500 was my first venture into 06, thinking the same strategy exisited in 06 as 05. I spent $30 on pitching. I've learned by my mistake and have played .555 ball since that first team fiasco.
Again, I found this way successful, I'm sure you can give examples to the contrary, which, of course, you have been successful. I'm sure I just haven't found the right hitters or pitchers to make the $28 to $32 million staff successful, and at this late in the year, I'm guessing I never will.