Wil Cordero Theme League - All Welcome

Wil Cordero Theme League - All Welcome

Postby pinhead1987 » Fri Dec 08, 2006 6:55 pm

Wil Cordero Theme League Rules:

1. This will be a normal Autodraft
2. $60M/advanced/DH/weighted waivers/10% drop penalty

Now for the fun! This will be a pitching league. If you love hitting, this probably isn't going to be where you want to be!

1. Nobody can own any Hitter over $5.00M. The penalty for an Hitter over $5.00M will be benching your highest salaried starting pitcher for 3 series (9 games) for every day said hitter remains on your roster.

2. Everyone will play in 1 of 4 stadiums, with no duplicate stadium within a Division. When you sign-up you place yourself in a Division and list your park. These are the 4 stadiums to be used:

Dolphins (Florida NL)

4. Other than all your hitters being equal to or less than $5.00M, everyone else can play.

5. How you fill out your draft card will be crucial. Some things I can think of are:

a. Do you try and pick the best hitters equal to or under 5.00 Mil
b. Do you try and get the best relievers
c. Do you go for the ace starters

This will be fun to say the least, especially those who love Pitching.

Now, the name of this league is the Wil Cordero Theme League. Here's why:

Personal problems aside, Wil Cordero has the worst offensive card in modern history, with ZERO on base chances on his card, an E rating for steals, and D ratings for bunt and Hit and Run. He is at least a 4e10 at 1B, which is better than most DH candidates. So he gets the honor of naming rights.

---Here's what everyone must do to comply with the theme:

* Everyone, all 12 Owners must choose a pick 3 state and the HIGHEST number will be the "winner" and has to keep Cordero the entire year, never dropping him.

* The owner who gets him must keep him in the starting lineup for the entire season. He can DH or play 1B - your choice.

* The owner who gets him as a reward gets to claim any player not drafted after the AD and before waivers. IOW, that owner essentially has a free #1 waiver pick (followed by normal waivers), as no owners may put a claim on the player the Cordero owner declares. In addition, the Cordero owner will be able to use anybody in the set, including hitters over $5.00M So Cordero actually becomes a reward for the Manager who gets him.

Sound Like Fun? Join up below...everyone is welcomed to join. Active Managers please.

** I am open to changing it to $80M cap. I figured $60M would spread the better pitchers around a bit more than $80M. Please vote on $60M or $80M cap and choose a pick 3 state when you sign up **


Jacobs - Pinhead - $60M
Dolphins -
Petco -
Tropicana -

Jacobs -
Dolphins -
Petco -
Tropicana -

Jacobs -
Dolphins -
Petco -
Tropicana -[/b]
Last edited by pinhead1987 on Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:02 am, edited 3 times in total.
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby LARRYLANG » Fri Dec 08, 2006 8:08 pm

Jacobs - Pinhead - $60M
Dolphins -
Petco -
Tropicana -

Jacobs -
Dolphins -
Petco -
Tropicana -

Jacobs - Pelzer $60m
Dolphins -
Petco -
Tropicana -[/b]

Sounds like fun....I love pitching leagues
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby Terry101 » Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:52 pm

Jacobs - Pinhead - $60M
Dolphins -
Petco -
Tropicana -

Jacobs -
Dolphins -
Petco -
Tropicana - Terry101 (60mil)

Jacobs - Pelzer $60m
Dolphins -
Petco -
Tropicana -
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby Jerlins » Sat Dec 09, 2006 8:14 pm

Three reasons why this league could be difficult to fill:

A. Too easy to "forget" to put Cordero on your draft card without a trace of evidence.
B. Too harsh a penalty for getting him. Must play full time????
C. Reward for receiving him minimal at best.

Might I suggest if you insist on making Cordero a full time, you lotto him as opposed to using the honor system. One could adequately field a team of sub $5 players without using a .50 player. Cordero in the lineup is too much a disadvantage, even (especially?) when all hitters are sub $5.
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Postby buster j ratt » Sat Dec 09, 2006 9:39 pm

Does Ed Spiezio own Strat-o-Matic? Why does Scott have all those chances All his stats are worse than Cordero's :roll:
buster j ratt
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Postby pinhead1987 » Sun Dec 10, 2006 2:14 pm

I like the idea of the lotto to see who gets him and do you have any ideas for a better reward for getting him?
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Postby Terry101 » Sun Dec 10, 2006 8:10 pm

Jerlins is correct about the penalty being too harsh.

Make the ceiling 4 mil instead of 5 and give the reward the ability to use hitters over 4 mil to compensate for Cordero. AND this still might not be enough because the cap is still 60.

If you decide to use him[b:e0cac076ce] lotto [/b:e0cac076ce]him for sure

Or just don't use him.

Or keep the reward the same (1st waiver pick, etc.) but just say he has to have 150 plate appearances.

Just some thoughts.
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Postby pinhead1987 » Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:57 am

Thanks for all the input. What I think we'll do is lotto him for sure, so choose a pick 3 state and the HIGHEST will get him.

Also in addition to the first overall waiver pick the "winner" of the Cordero lottery will be able to use any player in the set including hitters over $5M.

I don't want to set a limit on the AB's because he is injury prone and will probably "only" get 250-300 AB's playing full time. I just thought it would be kinda fun hoping one of your starters gets hurt as much as possible. In which case the Cordero owner will be free to use any player at Cordero's position.
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Postby pinhead1987 » Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:02 am

Jacobs - Pinhead - $60M - ONT
Dolphins -
Petco -
Tropicana -

Jacobs -
Dolphins -
Petco -
Tropicana - Terry101 (60mil)

Jacobs - Pelzer $60m
Dolphins -
Petco -
Tropicana -
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby Terry101 » Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:10 pm

Jacobs - Pinhead - $60M - ONT
Dolphins -
Petco -
Tropicana -

Jacobs -
Dolphins -
Petco -
Tropicana - Terry101 (60mil)- NM

Jacobs - Pelzer $60m
Dolphins -
Petco -
Tropicana -
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm


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