"For The Seasons" - IS NOW FULL! 2nites LOTO!

"For The Seasons" - IS NOW FULL! 2nites LOTO!

Postby CATom » Sat Jul 21, 2007 10:54 am

almost signed up for the one just completed - BUT - I WANT TO PLAY all the seasons! 2001-2002-2003-2004-2006-2007 (present) AND 2008! Liked the ideas of the "other" league SO, we'll have a ten round live draft of "CORE" players - players you MUST have on your roster every year - so to be a "CORE" player he MUST have a card for all SIX completed seasons!! We will use 100m - DH - waivers WHEN AVAILABLE! If NOT we revert to 80m-DH-frenzy. NO HURRY to fill this BUT I REALLY would like to do all the seasons at some point - McGwire, Canseco, Sosa -- LETS JUICE IT UP BOYS!!! (please be commited to all SEVEN years if you sign up-and pick a lotto state for the draft) Oh, stadiums will be auto drafted each year so they WILL NOT be unique, and we will start the next season at game # 142 (or as close as possible). AND - trading will be allowed EACH year EXCEPT for your CORE players - you must keep them on your team each and every season. DID I FORGET ANYTHING? Well, all previous seasons are at 1/2 price SO a good time to try this :lol: QUESTIONS?

Thanks ALL;

1. CATom - FL
Last edited by CATom on Mon Jul 30, 2007 8:58 am, edited 3 times in total.
Posts: 55
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Postby buster j ratt » Sat Jul 21, 2007 11:10 am

Does everyone in live draft have to have played every season or will there be exclusions like the year Bonds was out? But what the heck put me in with Texas I reckon Can't beat the prices and 01 is a hoot with all the offense I kinda like it Could'not play it everyday though
buster j ratt
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Postby CATom » Sat Jul 21, 2007 11:20 am

NO - does NOT have to have a card every year - no card years just auto draft an extra player!

1. CATom - FL
2. buster j ratt - TX

what part of Texas you in Buster??
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Postby packleader » Sat Jul 21, 2007 11:35 am

1. CATom - FL
2. buster j ratt - TX
3. ggapp - KY
Posts: 55
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how about

Postby CATom » Sat Jul 21, 2007 11:45 am

looking thru a couple of '01 teams - how bout these names?

r.alomar, McGriff, bagwell, b.boone, r. nen, canseco, olerrud, karros, ventura, gagne, j. gonzalez, h.nomo, kile, l.walker, c.ripken jr., k.brown and Rickey Henderson!!!!!!!!!!1

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Postby packleader » Sat Jul 21, 2007 11:57 am

To ensure the spirit of the theme, I would suggest that the core 120 players come from players who have cards in EACH season. That would involve research to determine who are the players who played in all seasons and providing it prior to the draft of the 10 core players. What does everyone else think? The suggestion, if not followed is not a deal breaker for me. Regardless, this theme really appeals to me. CATom, thanks for the idea. :D
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Postby CATom » Sat Jul 21, 2007 12:08 pm

I agree - think that a card should be present in EACH of the 6 years to be a "CORE" player - this allows us to fight over Barry the first four years - as we will Sosa the first two! Think there are PLENTY of players that have been around 6 years - SO LETS ADD THIS!!! (also eliminates the possibility of needing to auto draft 16 or 17 players some years!

"CORE players must have a card in each of the first six seasons". AND "CORE" players can be position players OR pitchers!


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Postby CATom » Sat Jul 21, 2007 12:14 pm

almost signed up for the one just completed - BUT - I WANT TO PLAY all the seasons! 2001-2002-2003-2004-2006-2007 (present) AND 2008! Liked the ideas of the "other" league SO, we'll have a ten round live draft of "CORE" players - players you MUST have on your roster every year - so to be a "CORE" player he MUST have a card for all SIX completed seasons!! We will use 100m - DH - waivers WHEN AVAILABLE! If NOT we revert to 80m-DH-frenzy. NO HURRY to fill this BUT I REALLY would like to do all the seasons at some point - McGwire, Canseco, Sosa -- LETS JUICE IT UP BOYS!!! (please be commited to all SEVEN years if you sign up-and pick a lotto state for the draft) Oh, stadiums will be auto drafted each year so they WILL NOT be unique, and we will start the next season at game # 142 (or as close as possible). AND - trading will be allowed EACH year EXCEPT for your CORE players - you must keep them on your team each and every season. DID I FORGET ANYTHING? Well, all previous seasons are at 1/2 price SO a good time to try this - QUESTIONS?

Thanks ALL;

1. CATom - FL
2. buster j ratt - TX
3. ggapp - KY
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby packleader » Sat Jul 21, 2007 12:24 pm

Just think about the strategy problems this theme presents.
1) Draft the ten best? Up side: consistency, fewer holes to fill.
Down side: decreased ability to adjust, mediocrity
2) Draft the ten most expensive? down seasons by the stars
3) Draft the ten cheapest? Potential to hit a homerun in the autodraft and set records for wins. Potential for abject failure.
4) Draft the ten best pitchers? Low ERA with lots of losses by 3-2
5) Draft the ten best hitters? Lots of 10-9 losses
:D :D
Last edited by packleader on Sun Jul 22, 2007 2:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby buster j ratt » Sat Jul 21, 2007 1:22 pm

01 is the wildest Have team right now 70-71 last place over 1000 runs scored and allowed almost 300 HR and I dont have Bonds and Randy Johnson and Roy Oswalt actually having decent(not great) years As far as Texas ? Right between Houston and San Antonio just a bit south of La Grange home of the best little WH in Texas I asked but do like the idea of players being on all 6 teams 8)
buster j ratt
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