Okay veterans, I need some help! My ballpark is RFK and I'm struggling! Actually, I'm 19-26 overall, 13-14 at home. My pitching staff has been great. The squad ranks in top 5. Defense is solid, also top three I think. Offense is terrible! I thought I had some good players, but they're not hitting at all! The biggest non performers are Adam Dunn, Eric Byrnes(who started out on fire, but has cooled considerably, Adrian Gonzalez, Jeff Francheuor, and Eric Chavez. My line drive hitters (Polanco, Brandon Phillips, Dave Roberts) have been solid all year. Oh, by the way I'm talking about '07 version. A few questions for yous guys.
1) Is my ballpark too big for these power hitters?
2) Should I dump them for better average and line-drive/gap hitters?
3) I don't understand BPHR's. How do I read them on the cards? What should I look for on the cards to fit my team and ballpark?
4) What tends to get more weight- a right handed hitter who for instance is a 5L or a lefty who favors right handed hitters? Who has a better chance of succeeding?
5)How do I leave the link so you can analyze my squad and give me advice?
Any help you could give me would be much appreciated! Sorry about all the questions. Peace out. Go Red Raiders! :?
Here is the link: