Postby pigheaven » Tue Feb 12, 2008 2:05 am

Okay veterans, I need some help! My ballpark is RFK and I'm struggling! Actually, I'm 19-26 overall, 13-14 at home. My pitching staff has been great. The squad ranks in top 5. Defense is solid, also top three I think. Offense is terrible! I thought I had some good players, but they're not hitting at all! The biggest non performers are Adam Dunn, Eric Byrnes(who started out on fire, but has cooled considerably, Adrian Gonzalez, Jeff Francheuor, and Eric Chavez. My line drive hitters (Polanco, Brandon Phillips, Dave Roberts) have been solid all year. Oh, by the way I'm talking about '07 version. A few questions for yous guys.

1) Is my ballpark too big for these power hitters?
2) Should I dump them for better average and line-drive/gap hitters?
3) I don't understand BPHR's. How do I read them on the cards? What should I look for on the cards to fit my team and ballpark?
4) What tends to get more weight- a right handed hitter who for instance is a 5L or a lefty who favors right handed hitters? Who has a better chance of succeeding?

5)How do I leave the link so you can analyze my squad and give me advice?

Any help you could give me would be much appreciated! Sorry about all the questions. Peace out. Go Red Raiders! :?

Here is the link:

Last edited by pigheaven on Tue Feb 12, 2008 5:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby ale0319 » Tue Feb 12, 2008 4:15 am

To get the link, first go to your league tab at the top and then click on the 'Statistics' link. Click on your team name and then copy and paste he URL.

As for your other questions, I'm new at this as well so I'll leave that up to the crafty vets. These guys are very helpful and they know what they're talking about.
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Postby the splinter » Tue Feb 12, 2008 1:25 pm

TSN would do a great favor to all new GM's by requiring them to read this post before activating a team. Great advice from the one true master...


the splinter
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Postby the splinter » Tue Feb 12, 2008 1:27 pm

And this should accompany the thread as well...

the splinter
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Postby kimkrichbaum2 » Tue Feb 12, 2008 6:49 pm

Struggling Rookie,

The essence of playing in an extreme park of any type is using the hitters and pitcher's who's value is higher in that park, and avoiding the players who's value is marginally lower. For a pitcher's park like RFK, that means avoiding hitters who have 4-8 BPHR (2-8 for middle infielder's) per side on their card, because you get minimal value for those BPHR, and instead loading up on guys with high BA and doubles and triples. The one exception is it is often good to have 1-2 players per side who have 8 BPHR and a lot of natural homers (HR that are not dependent on the ballpark), like Ross against lefties or Beltran against righties. And then do the exact opposite for pitchers.

Polanco, Gonzales and Roberts are good pitcher's park guys, most of the rest of your hitters are not. Wilson and Capps are great pitcher's park relievers, Duscherer and Jenks are not, most of your starters are average.
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Postby chasenally » Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:30 am

No pun intended. First of all 19-26 is nothing to be sneezed at for a beginner or a vet. The # and > are good in pitcher parks when they fall on your outs. They are bad when they fall on your hits. When you are in a pitchers park most if not all your pitchers will perform better then their card and batters will perform worse then their card. You want players that get natural hits, that is to say SINGLE, HOMERUN not #HOMERUN. #HOMERUN goes to the ballpark better known as BPHR's. (Ballpark Homeruns) In a hitters park like Coors that is a chance of 1 to 19 out of 20. In RFK it is much less. I don't know it but do know it is very low. The $ works during clutch hitting. Runners in scoring postion and 2 outs. Works the same a hit is an out and a out is a hit. Click any of your hitter and then click read strat card and you will get how to read the card. Continue to read this board and the statergy board and you will find out alot about this game. As said above the Vets are more then helpful and want you to enjoy the game and the community. They really want you to succeed and win. Don't get mad or post nasty if you don't get a quick reply. You may be directed to another site as you already have been. This is really fun and when you win it all it feels wonderful. Good luck and let the rolls go your way. 19 -26 hey just a win streak away from first.
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Red Raiders

Postby RICHARDMILTER » Thu Feb 14, 2008 4:28 pm

I am a Shaker Grad class of 1988. Your team does not look bad at all.Sometimes it just comes down to luck and patience! Did you go to Shaker Tribe Fan? I am assuming that is why you have ,"Go Red Raiders"?What year did you graduate?

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Hey rmilter!!

Postby pigheaven » Thu Feb 14, 2008 7:16 pm

That's really cool to meet a fellow Red Raider on here!! I graduated in '84. What's Shaker tribe fan? Talk to ya later. How's your squad doing?
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