[b:e3ca91e7ed]Effective immediately, you have the ability to change your choice of home ballpark until 11:59pm ET the night before your season starts.[/b:e3ca91e7ed]
For example, if your opening day is Monday, March 10, you can change your ballpark up until Sunday, March 9 at 11:59pm ET. If you're doing a salary cap auto-draft, you'll still be asked to choose a park before you join a league, but now, after the draft, you'll see a link on your Front Office page that will let you modify your choice until the night before your opening day.
This feature applies to all player sets in the central SOM Online site, namely 2007, ATG III and 1986. It was necessitated by the fact that the new Live Draft does not support selecting a ballpark during the draft (yet), so there needs to be a way to select one afterwards, but it will also address the issue where your team coming out of your auto-draft doesn't fit your originally chosen park, as well as eliminate the countless emails we get from managers who accidentally chose the wrong park.