200 mil unique keeper league- Filled

200 mil unique keeper league- Filled

Postby Terry101 » Thu Apr 03, 2008 10:37 am

200 Mil Unique Keeper League 03 Apr 2008 03:07

This is new post. We are closing the other one down. We will transfer all the sign-ups here. The rules are different, so check them out and either sign up, if you are new, keep your name if you signed up on the other thread, or delete if you are no longer interested. Looking for committed managers to play in a keeper league for some years. The setup is meant to be simple, enjoyable, and keep everyone in a competitive situation.

[b:e87be6aa1c]Initial Draft[/b:e87be6aa1c]

The first year's draft will consist of 36 players,( all of which must have a SOM card) and a stadium.

The draft will be serpentine based on state lotto- highest to lowest.
We will use the somdraft site for all 37 rounds- 36 players and a stadium , which you will have for three years. After three years you may draft another stadium.

We will play two seasons, the first one in April or May (as soon as we draft). The other in August. In subsequent years we will post exact dates for declaring keepers, drafting, and starting the seasons. A week before we start the second season there will be a 4 round free agent (SOM cards only) draft. The order will be based on season one's record -worst to best. The free agent drafts at the beginning of year 2 and 3 will be drafting from worst record to best (based on the previous years combined two-season record).

Every team will draft exactly 36 players in the first years draft and every team wil draft 4 more players between season one and two. Teams may have uneven numbers because of trading.

[b:e87be6aa1c]Minor League draft[/b:e87be6aa1c]

Immediatlley following the free agent draft, including the initial first years draft and at the beginning of every year there will be a four round minor league draft. The minor league draft is serpentine and is the reverse of the free agent draft.
For the purposes of this league a minor leaguer is any player without a SOM card for that year

After year 1 (going into year2) and after year 2(going into year 3) each team will declare 18 players to be frozen. All other players will go into the free agent pool. If one or more of your minor league players gets a SOM card (on the site, not just with the SOM game) they must be included in the 18 if you want to keep them. If they do not have a SOM card then you may keep them in the minors (up to 7 minor leaguers may be in your minors) Minor leaguers without cards carry over indefinitely - Up to 7.

After year 3 (going into year 4) In order to provide continuity each team may keep [b:e87be6aa1c]2[/b:e87be6aa1c] keepers. A new 34 player serpentine draft begins based on worst to best record for the combined 6 seasons( previous 3 years) [b:e87be6aa1c]You may also keep minor legue players. [/b:e87be6aa1c](players with no SOM online card during the year they were drafted)

Every minor leaguer that ends up with a SOM card may be kept and will go on the back end of your draft. So if, after three years you have 4 minor leaguers that you personally have drafted and kept you can draft 30 rounds and the four keepers would take the place of your 31-34 picks. This way managers may have permanent keepers.
If you trade a minor leaguer, the team that received him MAY NOT use that player as a back end keeper; he must be released in year 4 as a free agent. You may also keep (in year 4- any minor leaguers still without a card- up to the limit of 7.

Some other stuff

Unless you can commit for at least three years, hopefully longer, please do not sign up.

For drafting rounds on the board, there will be no clock for the first round drafted on the boards. A four hour clock will be in effect for subsequent rounds on the board. When the somdraft site is being used no clock for 1st round three hour clock after.


We will use the original draft lotto results for all six seasons (three years)

1st year, 1st season-- standard 1,4,7,10 in the East; 2,5, 8, 11 in the Central and 3,6,9,12 in the West.

1st year, 2nd season East 1,5,7,9-- Central 2,4,6, 8-- West--3, 10,11,12
2nd year 1st season East 1,2,3,4 - Central 5,6,7,8 -- West 9,10,11,12
2nd year 2nd season East 2,7,10,12-Central 1,3,8,9-- West 4,5,6,11
3rd year 1st season East 3,5,8,10- Central 1,2,7,11- West 4,6,9,12
3rd year 2nd season East 2,6,10,12- Central 3,4,7,11 West 1,5,8,9

Unique stadiums

Each team must carry 25 man rosters during the season. After game 132, roster may be expanded to 28.

There are no limits to times a manager may move roster players from the 25 man roster to the free agent list. All roster transactions will be the normal 10% free agent penalty. Rosters will be maintained at 25 at all times. If an injury occurs you may bring up a free agent from your 36-40 man roster, but when the injured player is back from the injury, you must send the extra player down to maintain the 25 man roster.

Managers can only play with the 36 or 40 man roster of players. No other free agents may be picked up.

Minor leaguers may be traded but they lose there ablity to be permanent keepers.

Trades do not need to be approved, but if at least three managers veto a trade, then that trade is voided.

Any changes to the structure of the league will need 8 votes to pass.

Each manager will pm me his email.

All trades must be posted for everyone to see.

The commish(me) will keep track of all league details.

There will other issues and questions; we will deal with them as they arise.

Good luck.


Last edited by Terry101 on Tue Apr 15, 2008 10:13 pm, edited 19 times in total.
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Postby Terry101 » Thu Apr 03, 2008 10:40 am

1. Killer_Elite - WA
2. Terry101 -NM
3. bbasebrawl - GA
4. klx22 - OH
5. jehale - NC
6. Apollo 16 - PA
7. Cubit - NY
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Postby killer_elite » Thu Apr 03, 2008 11:30 am

I'm still in.. Email sent!

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Postby STEVEKORTE » Thu Apr 03, 2008 3:03 pm

1. Killer_Elite - WA
2. Terry101 -NM
3. bbasebrawl - GA
4. klx22 - OH
5. jehale - NC
6. Apollo 16 - PA
7. Cubit - NY
8. sjkorte - IL
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Postby KEITHLAMONT » Thu Apr 03, 2008 9:56 pm

email sent and confirming participation.
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Postby Cubit » Thu Apr 03, 2008 10:02 pm

Thanks Terry for the rules update and for stepping in with Killer elite here. The total turnover is an interesting feature, though it sort of takes the "Keeper" out of the thing, but by then we'll practically be emulating MLB, since few franchises have anyone left after 3 seasons! I might have suggested a Core of 5 - 8 players be retained, but I'll play by whatever rules you set.
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Postby Terry101 » Thu Apr 03, 2008 10:19 pm


I'm glad your in. The core can be built up from the minor leaguers. After 3 years you may have 5 core players and they [i:3ccb89eb93]are[/i:3ccb89eb93] permanent keepers. And, each year that core grows so that you can keep 5-8 or more as long as you drafted them in the minor league draft. Also, this format has the potential to give managers a new life in case they are hopelessly buried with a poor team.
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Postby killer_elite » Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:36 am

Moving right along.. only need 4 more!
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Postby Cubit » Fri Apr 04, 2008 8:38 am


I'm glad your in. The core can be built up from the minor leaguers. After 3 years you may have 5 core players and they [i:0865c27656]are[/i:0865c27656] permanent keepers. And, each year that core grows so that you can keep 5-8 or more as long as you drafted them in the minor league draft. Also, this format has the potential to give managers a new life in case they are hopelessly buried with a poor team.[/quote:0865c27656]

I like it. Kind of "real time" though, so I'm going to have to put together quite an international scouting corps!. :)
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Postby killer_elite » Fri Apr 04, 2008 9:48 am

bbasebrawl, jehale, and Apollo 16 are you guys still in?
Posts: 55
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