Epic Comeback 22-1 over last 23 games

Epic Comeback 22-1 over last 23 games

Postby GlenBrummer » Fri May 02, 2008 10:25 pm

My 07 team was a dog. Over 10 games out with less than 30 to go and I had basically given up.

I went on an 18 game win streak and won 22 out of 23. With 3 games to play, I now have a 3 game lead but play the poor second place team that was in first for almost all season so I suppose if I lose all 3 tonite I might be in trouble.

But wow what a streak. Truth be told I still think my team is just mediocre.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Fri May 02, 2008 10:59 pm

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Postby GlenBrummer » Fri May 02, 2008 11:51 pm

Even more epic ending. The 2d place team the Crew swept me in the final series tying my Doggies for first. I won the tie breaker with the better head to head record. Whew!
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Fri May 02, 2008 11:59 pm

Good work! Now on to the Championship,good luck!
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On the other end

Postby Urishade » Tue May 06, 2008 11:18 pm

I was the owner of the Crew team that you came back to eclipse at the end and I have to say that I was completely devastated by the result. Based on run differential our teams weren't even close. My team suffered from the dreaded terrible record in one-run games that occasionally befalls good teams and that combined with your outrageous good fortune sunk me.

In the end my squad posted the best run differential at +151 in the whole league but failed to make the playoffs. To me it was a travesty that your team with its terrible run diff (-141) was able to win so many games late in the year and turn what should have been a 20 game runaway for me into a heartbreaking failure.

To be honest I was so astounded by the results (the combined 292 run diffence and your atronomical runs allowed 1008) that I appealed to TSN for a free credit feeling that the probabilty of team with such poor metics as yours winning so many games not only down the stretch but overall while my team simultaneously suffered such awful underachieving was too great and that there must be somethign wrong with the simulation.

Predictably TSN denied my appeal and was actually rather curt and unsympathtetic to my cause. But regardless I cannot personally go on buying games when such ricdiculous results end up happening. So congratultions on a one in a million shot but that bizarre convalense of events and TSN uncaring appraoch to a solid customer (Really what is one credit for someone who took the time to appeal to them about being boned over in a most unbelievable and statisically improbable way) has led me to give up the game.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Tue May 06, 2008 11:30 pm

Could you post the link to your team and their final regular season standings?
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Tue May 06, 2008 11:39 pm

I feel for you dude. I really,really do! However last year in Major League Baseball(The real deal) a pretty mediocre Colorado Rockies team won something like 23 straight games to finish the season. Some pretty weird things have happened in real baseball, as well as simulation. You just got the short end of the stick. The best teams do not always win! Look at last year's New England Patriots. There are many examples. That is how sports is sometimes,....unfair! I hope I do not reach the point of quiting, however I hate losing so much I could see it happening. I have been a Cleveland sports fan my entire life. And I can tell you from those experiances sports and life ARE NOT FAIR! Good luck to you, and I hope you change your mind. Challenge Mr. Glenn Brummner to another league. He was pretty boastful about his come back.
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Postby Urishade » Tue May 06, 2008 11:57 pm

Not sure how to post a link of the standing but here is what they looked like:

Dogtown Dogiges07 86 76 - 867 1008
Carlton’s Crew 86 76 - 838 687
Happy Hooligans 80 82 6 866 848
Amsterdam Muchies III 67 95 19 703 834

For comparison's sake here is how the standings would look based on run differential:

Team W L GB
Carlton’s Crew 97 65 -
Happy Hooligans 83 79 16
Dogtown Dogiges07 69 93 28
Amsterdam Muchies III 67 95 30

To me this goes beyond good luck/bad luck into serious breakdowns of game play. My team was playing at level that warranted nearly 100 wins while the Doggies were playing down around historically bad teams yet he rattles off an 18 game winning streak and wins 22 of 23 to overachieve by 17 games and send my team home.

I'm sorry but I am just not buying it. When his streak began his team had a run differential of -180. So I am supposed to believe that a team this was being outscored by that much over the course of 136 games suddenly beccomes unbeatable? I understand their statistically anomolies in every season but this is something beyond a flucuation up and down in the standings. This is flat out robbery of one of the best teams that I have ever put together.

Fortunately for TSN Glen Bummer will buy games for the rest of his life based on this incomprehensible result which should more than make up for the all the ones that I won't buy since I cannot stand for such a sham set of resutls.
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Postby Urishade » Wed May 07, 2008 12:15 am

That "mediocre" Rockies was actually statistically pretty good finishing the year with a +102 run diffential, which backs up their record. The better example and the one that TSN used in its response to my appeal was the other two teams in last year's NL West race the D-backs and Padres. Arizona finished with a -20 RD while SD posted a +85.

But in the end the D-backs took the division while the Padres finsished 1.5 games out. Not a bad analogy but still not even close. The total difference betwen AZ & SD was 105 runs, which is barely a 1/3 of the difference in the sham that I endured (292 runs). In addition AZ was actually a pretty good pitching and defensive team as evidenced by their low RA 732, which was 4th lowest in the NL. In contrast the Doggies gave up an earth shattering 1008 runs.

To find out just how ridiculious this all was I combed through all my previous seasons to find teams that gave up a 1,000 or more runs. I found three. The first allowed 1064 but had the greatest Strato offense I have ever seen and scored 1186 runs for a +122 Rd and a well deserved 91-71 record and a division crown. The other two were 880/1021 (-141 RD) and 905/1057 (-152 RD) which translated into 69-93 and 72-90 records respectively.

So there is no precendence for a team posting such poor metrics even coming close to .500 never mind ripping off huge winning streaks. Despite my exhuberance about this subject I am a rational man and that is why these results vex me so much. Additionally if someone could provide even a shread of reasoning as to how this could happen aside from the "well life is unfair" or "tough break" or "wow strange but it happens" I would be more than happy to entertain those ideas.
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Postby shinsational » Wed May 07, 2008 1:16 am

1. you take this stuff way too seriously.
2. improbable runs/upsets do happen. them's the breaks, and you got shafted. Obviously you feel like you had the better team, and looking at the numbers, I'm inclined to agree with you, but you're coming off as a real D-bag.
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