by J-Pav » Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:12 pm
Try this vs. RHP:
1. Polanco
2. Ordonez
3. Hopper
4. H. Ramirez
5. Suzuki
6. Redmond
7. Kotchman
8. McDonald
9. Counsell
Try this vs. LHP:
1. Ordonez
2. H. Ramirez
3. Suzuki
4. Hopper
5. Redmond
6. McDonald
7. Polanco
8. Cirillo
9. Kotchman
The lineup analyzer says this lineup "vs. RHP" is good for just over five runs per game (that's low, maybe too low); "vs. lhp" it's 7.21 (that's high, maybe too high).
Your pitching is excellent, with the exceptions of overspending on Hampson and Casilla. I would drop a dollar or more off of each of them.
You might consider upgrading either Redmond, Counsell or McDonald. Three guys who cannot hit RHP may be too many. Upgrade one of those "vs. RHP" bats by [b:18cb9d95b4]adding lots of OBP[/b:18cb9d95b4] (even at the expense of a "vs. LHP" bat). An example might be Ruiz and Ojeda for Redmond and Counsell (although I realize Ruiz is likely already gone).
Don't go too crazy on the error thing - you can maintain the concept without being TOO rigid. Fix the "vs. RHP" bat thing (adding another lefty stick would help your balance, too) and you will be okay.
My zero point zero two.
FWIW: I'm not going to second guess the analyzer (you probably want the optimal lineup), but I would bat Ordonez fourth and spread out the lefty bats to keep two righties between them.
Remember: lineup analysis is basically useless as long as you bat your top hitters one thru five (generally, top obp first, top slg or OPS goes fourth).
See my "[b:18cb9d95b4]The Secret Formula 2008[/b:18cb9d95b4]" post in the next couple of days for more info.