by Jerlins » Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:13 am
I just don't care anymore. It was part of the generation. If a professional trainer told an athlete he could offer him something that was NOT banned by the sport at the time, to help recoup faster, many would (and did) say "of course". They were as much a part of baseball as amphetimines were in the 60's and 70's, but none of the writers say boo about their so called "heroes" of their youth. Yes, these players "cheated" the game, but no more so than those who got an edge taking speed, stealing signs, corking bats, scuffing balls, turning the AC off during half innings, and so on. Or are we now to say that certain types of cheating is ok, condoned, and expected?
Don't take this wrong, I too, like every baseball fan, am disappointed, not just for ARod, but for the sport in general. It's now consumed more air time than I care to watch anymore, to me, its past history, it's time to move on. I no longer care who did and who didn't. I enjoy the sport and the athletes that play it. Selfishly, if steroids made them excel in their chosen field, well, it was enjoyable to watch. Every major sport had, and maybe still does, a steroid issue. It's not just baseball. Anyone who doesn't think 50% or more in football is on the juice is either naive or they look the other way. Yet, there is no outrage, and we watch it every Sunday.
I'm tired of the sensationalism, I no longer care who makes what, who's screwing who, who's ingesting what, and so on. When I go to a game I want to sit and watch the best athletes in the sport play 9 innings. When I can't go to the game, I want to read about the game, not what happened when they took their uniform off. ENOUGH!!!!