Strat Convention sign-up sheet

Strat Convention sign-up sheet

Postby ANDREWLAITURI » Sun May 07, 2006 10:05 am

Okay, let's get the ball rolling on this thing so's we can really get to the planning stage. Sign up below and list the months most favorable for attendance. Remember this is slated for 07.

1. Tyber- Almost any month works for me.
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Postby Stoney18 » Sun May 07, 2006 10:12 am

Okay, let's get the ball rolling on this thing so's we can really get to the planning stage. Sign up below and list the months most favorable for attendance. Remember this is slated for 07.

1. Tyber- Almost any month works for me.
2. Stoney18 - Anytime works. but Feb in Tahoe would be perfect.

Strat, ski, gamble, drink, ladies - all the vices at the same time :D
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Just a couple of quick thoughts...

Postby ANDREWLAITURI » Sun May 07, 2006 10:19 am

Remember that the site is Vegas. We'll probably need a volunteer to play local host (cause I'm a homer and have never been to Vegas :roll: ) to the event and help us get the event coordinated. Loose schedule of events so far:

1. Shotgun start Golf tourny- Friday
2. Event draft for online league- Sat. or Sun.?
3. H2H live 'real cards' mystery team tourny- Probably Sat. & Sun.

I'm open to other suggestions.
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Postby ANDREWLAITURI » Sun May 07, 2006 10:26 am

Oh yeah...I forgot to mention that I DON'T like flying so I'll probably need someone to help get my drunk ass out of the airport! :roll: :roll:
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Postby visick » Sun May 07, 2006 1:00 pm

1. Tyber- Almost any month works for me.
2. Stoney18 - Anytime works. but Feb in Tahoe would be perfect.
3. visick- Anytime after January. Keep in mind that it gets FREAKIN' HOT in Vegas in the summer, so if we are gonna play golf it should be Feb-May or Oct-Dec.
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Just a suggestion...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Sun May 07, 2006 1:45 pm

Are you all sure you wouldn't rather do a convention here in Phoenix?

The Golf courses are nicer, it's, less expensive, great strip clubs where I know half the girls, and most importantly - CACTUS LEAGUE!!!

Just a thought...I'm down for Las Vegas too. But your money definitely goes farther here - And there are at least 7 local indian Casinos - including a Harrahs. No Craps tables(My Game) - but lots of Poker, Blackjack, and every type of machine imaginable.

If we have it here, I can help to coordinate and I also know the entire city because I deliver here for 15 yrs. I can't help much in Vegas.

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Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Sun May 07, 2006 1:58 pm

There is a great Embassay Suites (Used to be a Sterling) centrally located at 24 st and Camelback. Close to the airport, lots of restaurants, close to downtown(Suns games), possibly an NCAA March Regional.

And did i say lots of great stripclubs?

Phoenix is a great winter town. Plus, if the wives and or kids are going to attend, great shopping(To keep them happy and free us to do guy stuff), state of the art movie theatres, and for natural beauty - Sedona is only an hour plus north of here - Some of the most beautiful landscapes on the planet.

i know we wouldn't be able to fit all that in, but there are tons of distractions here.

I just like the idea of having a centrally located Convention - If it is a long weekend Arrive Thurs Nite - Get aquainted, strip hop. A Golf or a ballgame on Friday/Sat balanced with a Strat H2H Tourney on Sat or Sunday, an all Tournament Awards ceremony, tacky trophies, great restaurants, Perhaps a Tour(If I can set it up) of The MLB western Offices - now located right across the street from the Embassay Hotel and rtight next to the Ritz.

Dan Majerle and Luis Gonzalez have bars here that sports celebrities often stop in for drinks at.


:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:
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Lets get the ball rolling again so we can get a headcount.

Postby ANDREWLAITURI » Mon May 08, 2006 5:24 pm

This is just a preliminary headcount so that everyone truly interested in attending can get a say in on the dates. We'll work the actual planned attendees thread later.

1. Tyber- Almost any month works for me.
2. Stoney18 - Anytime works. but Feb in Tahoe would be perfect.
3. visick- Anytime after January. Keep in mind that it gets FREAKIN' HOT in Vegas in the summer, so if we are gonna play golf it should be Feb-May or Oct-Dec.
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Postby cummings2 » Tue May 09, 2006 2:14 am

1. Tyber- Almost any month works for me.
2. Stoney18 - Anytime works. but Feb in Tahoe would be perfect.
3. visick- Anytime after January. Keep in mind that it gets FREAKIN' HOT in Vegas in the summer, so if we are gonna play golf it should be Feb-May or Oct-Dec.
4. Cummings2 - My schedule is a mess to predict, as long as I have some time to plan ahead, pretty much all year long is fine with me
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Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Tue May 09, 2006 2:26 am

Posted: 09 May 2006 03:14 Post subject:


1. Tyber- Almost any month works for me.
2. Stoney18 - Anytime works. but Feb in Tahoe would be perfect.
3. visick- Anytime after January. Keep in mind that it gets FREAKIN' HOT in Vegas in the summer, so if we are gonna play golf it should be Feb-May or Oct-Dec.
4. Cummings2 - My schedule is a mess to predict, as long as I have some time to plan ahead, pretty much all year long is fine with me
5. If Phoenix or Las Vegas - preferably sometime between Nov-early May(If Phx, 1st choice would be mid March because of Cactus League.) If it is between May and October - The preference would be Tahoe or Reno or some other Mountain Climate. Las Vegas and Phoenix are 100-115 all summer long(Mid May -Mid Oct). No outdoor fun in that kind of heat.
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