is there a glitch here?

Postby MARCPELLETIER » Sun Aug 20, 2006 9:26 pm

I understand that Giles's main position is rf, but in the draft Giles was considered a cf, otherwise you would have not gotten Griffey.

Computers don't start to make illogical glitch....usually, the make logical choice (in a rather illogical system). It might be illogical to consider Giles as cf, but I can't think of a better explanation.
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Postby geekor » Sun Aug 20, 2006 10:30 pm

trust me I have had many what I thought was draft glitches, and I have had talks with Bernie/ESB before on this. Unless TSN changed the draft engine for 2006+, there is no way in H3LL he should get Griffey for Giles, it should be main position [b:af8dbc9ff3][u:af8dbc9ff3]only[/u:af8dbc9ff3][/b:af8dbc9ff3].
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Postby JOELKING » Mon Aug 21, 2006 3:07 pm

Lucky & geekor

Manny times we all got the short end of the stick in the final results, some other draftees dont make any sense why it happen. However, this isnt any logic to the matter like, can we all say this is fair system? without seeing the results of the draft? honestly thinking we cant. until we see how the draft was done.. Futhermore, i can't recall if this topic has ever been risen to the occassion, but i know it has been implied to the weighted system that isnt in used unless you make the league, maybe also this might solve that. I am tired of not knowing why i didnt get certain player, insead of so , so..
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Postby JOELKING » Mon Aug 21, 2006 3:15 pm

Here a thought how we could determine if there are glitches in the draft..

a) after finishing the draft card, tsn sends out an email after the order of players you selected, ex, 1,2,3 as so on until the 25 spots
so for example it looks something like this

1) Jones
2) Giles
3) Clemens

and so on

now once the draft is made and done with Tsn sends out another email like this

1) Jones === Sizmore also shows which team got your number 1 draft..

I dont have any problems who got what, but i do have problem why it seems like so many times i got the short end of it, and i am sure alot others would like to know how it happen..
Now if my 1) draft shows I get Manny, or somone else, then we know there is something wrong here and it does need a fixing...
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Postby bleacher_creature » Mon Aug 21, 2006 5:59 pm

I'm pretty sure primary position is a key factor here.
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