2006 check out this team

Postby The Turtle » Wed Aug 23, 2006 11:38 pm

a 4 at second is almost as bad, in a theme league recently craig counsel was struggling and i was 63-65 so i dumped him for a DH type and played Soriano at second base I went 4 - 30 to finish the season (67-95) possibly the worst collapse i have ever had
The Turtle
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Postby bleacher_creature » Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:05 am

[quote:f340f43d0e="dcwabdi"]well im going to be[/quote:f340f43d0e]


Look at cfX on the pitchers' cards. Every time this roll comes up, you are giving up a hit, and very likely one for extra bases.

If your LF and RF are 4's, your friggin' screwed pal. You will have one of the worst ERA's in the league playing that crap.

Now I am not the greatest Strat player here by a long shot, but I have a new rule for myself to keep 4's out of my outfield period. I will get the offense in other places.

Like I said, your pitching will be a joke if you play 4's all the way across the OF.

See...I'm not so nice about it. 8)
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Postby LARRYLANG » Thu Aug 24, 2006 7:01 am

Aray & BC are right----I don't care where you play or how great your pitchers are---4's across the board in the OF is a reciepe for disaster.....Your stud pitchers will become mediocre at best.....Basically what it boils down to is your outfielders will allow a ton of hits because they just can't get to the ball.....I don't have a link to it but you need to check out an X chart and see the effect this will have........I have used 4's in the OF before, but never 3 of em....In fact I don't think I've ever used 2 unless it was a theme league or because of injury...Whatever you decide...good luck to you :D
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Postby Dcwabdi » Fri Aug 25, 2006 5:15 pm

well what should i do no one is avbl.
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Postby goredsox33 » Fri Aug 25, 2006 9:05 pm

[quote:fba862a19c="dcwabdi"]well what should i do no one is avbl.[/quote:fba862a19c]

post a link with available FA's in your league..... we will try to help...

there has to be some players ...ANY playes that have a 2 at 2b and cf........ANY of them would be better than what you are using
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Postby Dcwabdi » Sat Aug 26, 2006 1:37 am

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Using Berce, this is what I am seeing:

Postby cummings2 » Sat Aug 26, 2006 4:49 am

CFs avail. sorted by def.

Edmonds, Jim STL L CF 1(-2)e3 8.62M
Rowand, Aaron CHW R CF 1(0)e3 4.13M
Hunter, Torii MIN R CF 1(-3)e5 4.34M
Johnson, Reed TOR R CF 2(-1)e3 3.01M
Taguchi, So STL R CF 2(-1)e3 2.95M
Roberts, Dave SD L CF 2(+2)e3 3.59M
Reed, Jeremy SEA L CF 2(-1)e4 1.25M
Bradley, Milton LAD S CF 2(-2)e5 3.24M
Wilkerson, Brad WAS L CF 2(-2)e7 3.80M
Finley, Steve LAA L CF 2(-1)e7 .65M
Patterson, Corey CHC L CF 2(-1)e7 .50M
Logan, Nook DET S CF 2(+1)e10 .53M
Cameron, Mike NYM R CF 2(0)e13 3.79M
Bruntlett, Eric HOU R CF 2(+1)e16 .56M
Payton, Jay OAK R CF 3(0)e0 2.34M
Winn, Randy SF S CF 3(+2)e1 6.04M
Rios, Alexis TOR R CF 3(-2)e3 .96M
Rivera, Juan LAA R CF 3(-2)e3 3.93M
Granderson, Curtis DET L CF 3(+1)e3 4.27M
Tyner, Jason MIN L CF 3(+2)e3 3.75M
Davanon, Jeff LAA S CF 3(0)e4 .63M
Drew, J.D. LAD L CF 3(-1)e5 5.29M
Mohr, Dustan COL R CF 3(-1)e5 1.09M
Nix, Laynce TEX L CF 3(0)e5 .50M
Byrd, Marlon WAS R CF 3(0)e6 1.68M

2Bs sorted by def.

Roberts, Brian BAL S 2B 1e10 561 11.12M
Giles, Marcus ATL R 2B 2e14 7.14M
Spivey, Junior WAS R 2B 2e17 2.38M
Betancourt, Yuniesky SEA R 2B 2e20 2.42M
Castillo, Jose PIT R 2B 2e21 1.82M
Blanco, Andres KC S 2B 2e23 .50M
Bruntlett, Eric HOU R 2B 2e37 .56M
Gonzalez, Luis COL R 2B 3e4 2.75M
Jackson, Damian SD R 2B 3e5 1.81M
Scutaro, Marco OAK R 2B 3e5 1.29M
Vizcaino, Jose HOU S 2B 3e6 .67M
Green, Nick TB R 2B 3e8 1.53M
Hill, Aaron TOR R 2B 3e8 2.41M
Macias, Jose CHC S 2B 3e8 .50M
Infante, Omar DET R 2B 3e10 .52M
Vidro, Jose WAS S 2B 3e11 2.15M
McDonald, John DET R 2B 3e13 .61M
Aurilia, Rich CIN R 2B 3e16 2.67M
Izturis, Maicer LAA S 2B 3e16 .55M
Hernandez, Jose CLE R 2B 3e17 .86M
Easley, Damion FLA R 2B 3e18 3.50M
Punto, Nick MIN S 2B 3e18 .50M
Utley, Chase PHI L 2B 3e18 6.41M
Lopez, Jose SEA R 2B 3e20 .70M
Cano, Robinson NYY L 2B 3e21 2.34M

I tried using your link above but I think it sends me to my team, not your FAs
Last edited by cummings2 on Sat Aug 26, 2006 5:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby cummings2 » Sat Aug 26, 2006 4:59 am

I think you have a little too much allocated in pitching (42.33 MM) personally I'd shave a good 10-12 mil out of pitching and put it in good offensive players that won't hurt you defensively.

I believe you have a PNC, and Ameriquest and a Minute Maid in your division -not having gone through matchups other than just at a glance I think you're not too hot within your division. Just my opinion though.

You have a pretty good bunch of guys dropping by here.

Bombs, pelzer, gored, bleach, "Toitle", Array, Robo-G, Jerr and D-T. It's like a star studded panel of advisors. Best tip I can offer is:

Listen to what these guys recommend. They're all wicked good.
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League Link:

Postby cummings2 » Sat Aug 26, 2006 5:01 am

In case anyone wants to check the other teams in division:

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Postby goredsox33 » Sat Aug 26, 2006 9:12 am

I agree you have WAYYYYY to much $$$ tied up in pitching........
but the 1st thing id do if i was you would be to grab Rowand.......

then work on your pitching staff.......

if you can send us a list of avail pitchers also.. thanks...
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