by KEVINEHLE » Wed Aug 30, 2006 5:20 pm
1.(R) damienpassalacqua
2.(N) chocolates (471)
3.(V) djl3737
4(M) Splinter
5.(R) mbalsdon44
6.(N) Aray0113
7.(V) ehlekev
8.(M) Geekor
9. (R)
10.(N) Terry101
11.(V) Stoney18
12.(M) Durantjerry
Man!!! I already have 22 teams actively going and I can't keep up. So what the heck, I will have 23 teams and not be able to keep up. What's the difference?
Count me in! However, Geekor is tough and I have a hard time believing Aray is only an N the way he plays. Should be a fun central.