[quote:76015c12b9="Sykes25"]I find that with extreme theme leagues, you have much more difficulty controlling things like this. Much of your dismay is being caused by the extra AB's given up by those "IRON GLOVES".
I'd still suggest keeping your lefties on the mound at home, unless you throw a 7L lefty against a team with 7 RHB who plays hoem games in Wrigley or MM. Then I'd take a chance with Lawrence.[/quote:76015c12b9]
Sykes, I agree about the Theme Leagues. They do what they are designed to do.....take you out of your comfort zone. I started off with a championship in my 5th league.
I joined 13 '06 theme leagues and of them I either ended up with a losing record or currently have a losing record in 11 of them!! Some of them were really bad and my winning percentage is a HUGE joke!! For years I played primarily public leagues and did well.
However, the theme leagues are a lot more fun so I'll keep doing them. Maybe one day I will learn how to win one!!