Come Read about a RAT in the tour event

Postby KEVINEHLE » Thu Sep 14, 2006 2:33 pm

This issue should have stayed within the league. However, now that it hit these boards, I think we can spin it into a positive thing and call it a day.

A friendly reminder to everyone:
1. Really try to pay attention to your theme league rules*
2. Be patient if someone accidentally doesn't*
3. Treat each other with respect*

I've messed up on a theme team or two and everyone involved has been cool about it. I have seen many others make errors.

Rule #4--Laugh it off and get some beers.

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Postby errormagnate » Thu Sep 14, 2006 3:25 pm

make mine Coors Lite !

But this guy is poison for more reaons than this nonsense, so you better make it a 6-pack !!! lol
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Postby bleacher_creature » Thu Sep 14, 2006 3:50 pm

It's easy to see both sides of this one. Was the dump am over reaction? You could say yes, but he paid his $25, and he was pist.

The tour seems like fertile ground for this kind of conflict.
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Thu Sep 14, 2006 6:23 pm

Yeah, I am going to go ahead and stay away from the tour. I enjoy my theme leagues with my regular friends who are always fun...........even though my overall winning percentage is taking a beating!!
Oh......wait a darn minute!.....maybe that's why they are pretending to be my friends??? Easy "Ws" against Ehle!! :evil:

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Postby visick » Thu Sep 14, 2006 8:32 pm

You're my best "friend" in the world Kev...

visick :lol:
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Postby Play By The Rules » Thu Sep 14, 2006 8:51 pm

Hey Stains I quit the Tour last year over a similar dispute. In my opinion yet another reason that the rules need to be written more clearly with a definite penalty for such an action. It was probably a mistake, maybe not, but I can understand how Stains feels. Seems to me as an innocent bystander the penalty was fair enough but I can also understand how Stains might not be happy. All this talk about "he's a long and respected member of the community so let's give him a break" is unfair and really annoying to a newcomer to the Tour. Who cares how long and respected you are, the rules are the rules for everyone!

However, even though I quit the Tour I finished out my active teams (even won one league I think) and didn't screw it up for the rest of the people. I don't think that was cool.

Stains my solution is not to play the Tour until the rules have been written in a clear and consistent manner. I'm much happier since I stopped, and I'm sure the folks on the Tour are too. I am intense like you and since this is supposed to be the be and end all of Strat, I think all penalties should be enforced. But most of the folks here are more instrested in the social aspect of this.
Play By The Rules
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Postby bomp helium » Tue Sep 19, 2006 6:43 am

The offense of having an ineligible player on your roster for half a season is a big would piss me off too if a player with 2000+ points left an ineligible player on his roster for half a season..."I didn't know" or "I didn't have time" is not a valid takes a matter of minutes to click on your 24 players and see what ML team they played for...

THE PENALTY: All games with the ineligible player are forfeited. Period, no exceptions. I believe this is how the NCAA (for one) handles such matters. This strategy will certainly encourage managers to spend the three minutes it takes to check the players on their roster.

The offense of dropping all your players is, although rude, not an offense. The rules state that you can drop a player up until game 142 and pick up another. That's all it says. There is nothing mentioned about trading in your whole team. Rude. Annoying. But apparently legal.

Major league teams "tank" all the time...every september to be precise, when they haul up a dozen $.50 minor leaguers and sit their $10m aging veterans...I think when the TSN rules refer to "tanking", they are referring to collusion with other managers, not the value of players dropped versus the value of players picked up...

THE PENALTY: Rosters should never be allowed to dip below 50% of the maximum value. Thus, in an $80 million league, the maximum roster value would be $80m and the MINIMUM would be $40m. I believe this would solve that problem and minimize the effects of any protests, tantrums or drunken self-destructs.

Such a solution could probably be easily added so that the software itself would not allow rosters to dip below a reasonable level...

PBTR is right. The rules need to be clearly defined, and the penalties need to be harsh and evenly enforced. The harsher the penalties, the less trouble to be had in the future.
bomp helium
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Tue Sep 19, 2006 2:48 pm

Or better yet, whoever plays a guy who isn't part of the theme by accident be fined $1 Trillion dollars, have his US citizenship revoked, be flogged, and force him to listen to William Shatner records for days on end!! That is the only justice for such a heinous crime!! :evil: :evil:

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Postby edgecitytx » Tue Sep 19, 2006 2:58 pm

[quote:db4b4f1cac="ehlekev"]Or better yet, whoever plays a guy who isn't part of the theme by accident be fined $1 Trillion dollars, have his US citizenship revoked, be flogged, and force him to listen to William Shatner records for days on end!! That is the only justice for such a heinous crime!! :evil: :evil:


Publicly flogged! And I'll bet after three or four guys are strung up you'll see people checking those rosters a little more closely :P

(or else they'll just stop playing Strat online...)
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Postby bomp helium » Tue Sep 19, 2006 9:05 pm

one trillion dollars used to be a lot of money...
bomp helium
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