by STEPHENANDERSON 2 » Fri Nov 03, 2006 11:42 am
1 - Metrodome - Pinhead1987
2 - Miller Park - ArrylT
3 - Dodger Stadium
4 - Yankee Stadium-ksher58
5 - Metrodome -Ehlekev
6 - Miller Park - Woody5
7 - Dodger Stadium - Aray0113
8 - Yankee Stadium - Bunbury
9 - Metrodome - Doctor_tax
10 - Miller Park - freshmeat
11 - Dodger Stadium - Fillies 2
12 - Yankee Stadium- Terry101
Guess I will use my LAST 2006 credit on an AT league just like I used my NEXT TO credit on an AT league. Course, I did notice a KEV sighting, so that is 2 strikes against me. But, thats ok... don't see that third strike coming down the pike to soon.
Lets rumble.