by Mean Dean » Tue Nov 07, 2006 9:21 am
"Speed team" is a misnomer. If you think you can win with a bunch of Tony Womacks, then I just don't even know where to start. You can win with good hitters who also happen to have speed... but then you're winning a lot more because you have good players in general than because you have speed. So no one really wins with a "speed team."
The potential purpose of playing in a neutral stadium is simply to zig when other people zag. By doing so, you can neutralize both the Marcus Thames types drafted by people playing in Coors, and the Brad Radke types drafted by people playing in Petco. Of course, you don't neutralize Thames as much as you would if you played in Petco, or Radke as much as you would if you played in Coors... but you can get both of them at once. So if you end up having a bunch of gimmick teams in your league (which of course you can't know in an autodraft until after the fact) -- or, if you're a newbie who has a hard enough time figuring out who is or isn't good without throwing park effects in there too -- then I think it's a good idea.