Postby AFDickie » Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:11 pm

1. CATom - TX
2. SlowJim - CA
3. BoDean - MO
4. Chocolates-PA
5. Worrierking-FL
6. visick- NJ
7. Pinhead - Ont.
8. Frank M - NY
9. geekor - IL
10. JR - Nev
11. AF Dickie - GA
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Postby CATom » Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:43 pm

18 picks PLUS one for a stadium - you can pick the stadium any time you want - 1 thru 19 :) ---- 100mil ---- DH. So we'll have different fields.

Think this draft will take (without Penn's site to help, now it's LIKE THE "OLD" DAYS) about 3 to five weeks????? Lets make it that you can trade during the draft BUT it has to be one to one (like Thome and your 4th round for Howard and Jeter) ------ OK???? WAIVER OR FRENZY?

One 2 go - really filled up FAST - thanx everybody!!!!!!!

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Postby SCOTTBROWN » Thu Nov 09, 2006 7:24 pm

I dont think chosing a stadium is the best thing, we dont know what the rating for them will be. Also we need to get this in before the ratings/cards come out, can we get 18 picks in?

Will there be a clock?

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Postby STEPHENANDERSON 2 » Thu Nov 09, 2006 10:05 pm

1. CATom - TX
2. SlowJim - CA
3. BoDean - MO
4. Chocolates-PA
5. Worrierking-FL
6. visick- NJ
7. Pinhead - Ont.
8. Frank M - NY
9. geekor - IL
10. JR - Nev
11. AF Dickie - GA
12. Doc Tax - TN

If some one else signs uo, I will give up my spot since I am already in another one, along wit V,Frank, Geekor, Hershey, AF....... man, am I begging for a whipping
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Postby CATom » Thu Nov 09, 2006 10:28 pm

we are full ! :)
OK no stadium pick --- the "new" cards (game) won't be out until around March of '07 (I believe) - we got plenty of time ----- YES a 24 hour clock - maybe we should turn the clock "off" during the weekend, say from midnight Friday until 9am Monday ----- (but again i'll go with the majority on this), if you miss your pick you can choose any time afterword. We'll go with 18 rounds - no stadium. Using tomorrow (Friday) night lottery numbers, start drafting at will on Saturday and Sunday with the clock kicking in on Monday. Thanx & good luck to all :) ALSO, we'll go with waivers, so;

100mil, DH, waivers, 18 rounds. (have to use as many of your picks on your draft card as possible).

AND the order will be HIGH to LOW = 999 #1 pick, 001 #12 pick.

anything else???????

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Postby SCOTTBROWN » Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:00 am

I'm ok w/ the clock running on the weekends, especially if we're doing 18 rounds. Just my .02.


Maybe some can use a ramondizer and we can get this party started now? :D
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Postby visick » Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:06 am

I really think we need a 24 hour clock with 18 rounds as well. And it should run on the weekend.
We've got Thanksgiving coming up as well as X-Mas and guys will probably not be around as much.

The ratings book/disc comes out in January, I believe. So if we aren't done by then, some guys will have the upper hand if they get this info.

In the other Pre-Card Draft, we are also pointing out that if you draft a player that DOESN'T get a card, you have to replace that player with a $.50 guy.

Any thoughts on that CATom?

I just ran a randomizer as well, if we want. (visick holds up his right hand and vows to tell/write the truth, so help me God)

Set #1:
3, 8, 1, 9, 12, 2, 5, 4, 10, 6, 7, 11
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Postby worrierking » Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:08 am

Just for your info, the other pre-card draft league has been drafting since November 1 and they are in the middle of the fourth round and trying to decide if they need to go to a 12-hour clock. They are doing about 3 and a half picks per day.
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Postby SCOTTBROWN » Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:18 am

We are going to stay at 24 hours (in the other draft), but we are only doing 12 rounds. If we are going 18, no math wiz here but that's another 72 picks. I think V is correct, the ratings disk comes out in mid/end of Jan.
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Postby CATom » Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:40 am

If someone wants to run a "randomizer" (?) to get this started its OK with me - just list the results. We will stay with the 24 hour clock, but we'll leave it ON during the weekends (seems like majority wants to). The disks may come out at the end of January but I have never seen the game here come out before the middle of March, so still think we have plenty of time - if it gets close we can always speed it up for the last few rounds. So go ahead, run the (?) thing (?) and lets get this puppy on the road :lol: 8) .


V - the only problem I see with replacing a "no" card with a .50 card in a draft that isn't 25 rounds is that you will still have 3-6 other picks to get the differnt cards to make up for the "no card". Think that HAVING to list on your card everyone that you choose is the way to go, as I think we'll all draft SOME .50 players anyway?? Just my thoughts, anyone else???
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