Here we go again.....little Jacobs help here

Postby geekor » Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:13 pm

btw, i don't have time to run the numbers, but you could change out to Helton - 1b, Lugo - SS, F Sanchez - 3B, A Sanchez - DH. Now I have no idea if that give you better anything, just some players that are available that have done well for me in the past (well except I've never used Helton).
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:21 pm

I was wanting F. Sanchez, he must have just come available,

Lugo has great speed, but won't his Defense hurt???

Helton is sooooo right orientated would you keep Niekro vs lefties???????
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:50 pm

Actually played around a bit, and was able to Get the Sanchez brothers and Helton without giving up Furcal.

That definitely helps my defense.
It does leave me powerless, but I do like this better.
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Postby Palmtana » Sun Nov 12, 2006 1:42 am

[quote:cad9638128]I've said this many times about pitchers park offenses. The #1 mistake I see is that G.M's abandon power! [/quote:cad9638128]

I saw this quote this morning and said to myself, "He's right, you never have enough power when you play pitchers parks" (I'm playing in Kaufmann.) I spent all day deciding whether I should pick up Delgado off of waivers. He's still there. As a manager in almost exclusively pitchers parks I guess the $-phobia runs to deep. Instead, I spent the extra money to go from Radke to Harden. So now I have 4 *Sp and Harden, including two very expensive matchup pitchers in Blanton and D. Davis. Maybe Delgado would have been the better move, but not having much experience at this game yet I always fall back on the security of strong SP and it's served me well. geekors point about not having to worry as much about slugging if you have dominant pitching helps me rationalize what I have been doing all along.

(Excuse the interruption PD)
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Sun Nov 12, 2006 12:04 pm

You are right Palmtana,

I have to agree,

As long as a team can get on the bases, has decent speed, good defense and others that can hit them around, you should be ok without the clout.

Of course this would pose a problem if there are alot of hitters parks, the other teams would score runs in bunches with home runs whereas (my) team would probably have alot of 1 and 2 run innings vs. 5 or 6 with some of the bomber teams I have seen.

It does come down to pitching in this league though. There is only one true homer park (Coors) and the rest are mostly pitching orientated. This would lead me to believe that pitching will prevail......

We will soon see who has the best pitching combinations.
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