Strat 2005 question

Postby goredsox33 » Sun Sep 11, 2005 9:29 am

well would our wives rather us spend $25 on fake basebal... or LOTS more hanging out in bars and strip clubs?
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Postby Simon31 » Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:37 am

....what goredsox33 said! :wink:
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Which is better??????

Postby TexasKen » Thu Sep 22, 2005 7:48 pm

In Shea, is it better to Rolen at 3B Rolen, Scott or Lowell, Mike and
Gload, Ross as a DH?


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Which is better??????

Postby TexasKen » Thu Sep 22, 2005 7:51 pm

In Shea, is it better to have at 3B Rolen, Scott or
3b Lowell, Mike and DH Gload, Ross?

Comments on the team welcomed........


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Postby axemet » Fri Sep 23, 2005 4:11 am

ken, your link to team doesn`t work. go to stats page, click on your team, and copy & paste the resulting url here-it should have a team id# at the end :D
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Postby tersignf » Sat Sep 24, 2005 3:48 pm

Plus devukjs, if you don't hijack someone else's thread, you may get a response. The subject of the thread remains whatever the thread starter called it. At any rate, put that in the strategy section for better response.

And repeating the same question again 3 minutes later is a little wacky!
Especially after axemet told you how to do it properly...maybe you started another thread...
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Postby TexasKen » Sat Sep 24, 2005 10:45 pm

Get a life and stop being so arrogant....Try looking and understanding before making poor and unhelpful comments... If you want a private thread make the title specific instead of generic.
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Postby Jerlins » Sat Sep 24, 2005 11:39 pm

I don't think he was being arrogant, he was just explaining that you would get more help creating your own thread with a specific question. Lots, if not all folks read particular threads and if they are disinterested in the thread, ignore the rest of it throughout latter postings. These boards and the folks that post are EXTREMELY helpful, and most are willing to chime in with their opinions regarding other people's team if asked for help.

Post a new thread, ask specific questions, and a few folks will come to your aid, including tersignf.
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Postby TexasKen » Sun Sep 25, 2005 12:44 am

I agree with you that most people are helpful.

Using words like wackey is not helpful and is in fact insulting, yet I see no comment form you on this. In addition, there are a number of posting on various topics in multiple threads that carry a commen theme. Having a thread called Strat 2005 Question is very openned and this thread was not active. The last posing in this thread before my 9/22 post was 9/11. If you are trying to help you have failed.
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Postby tersignf » Sun Sep 25, 2005 8:16 am

Yes...what Jerlins said--thanks.
Dev--I didn't think "wacky" used in the context I used it, with an exclamation mark, was insulting. Guess I should have used one of the cliche inserts: :D

Anyway, do what you wish--I'm just letting you know you will get more "focused readership" if you create a thread for your topic specifically--that's all. It's not arrogant--just based on fact and experience.

Anyways--I do have a life (BTW, that's not insulting to me because this game truly is an occasional pursuit among other things in an overall good life :P).
Good Luck with your team and that anger management issue... :)
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