Wes Helms at $9.8M????

Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Tue Mar 27, 2007 2:18 pm

I am using Thome in an 80M league and actually started him as a platoon, but the Platoon wasn't working as well. For just over a week, I used him strictly against RHP and he belted out 17 HR's and was batting nearly .350,

Now having him go both ways and his average has dropped to around .290, but has hit 4 Homers vs Lefty pitching, so I won't be using him in platoon any more.

He is worth the money IMO if your team is slanted towards left handed side as mine was and needed the Hard Righty bat.
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Tue Mar 27, 2007 3:15 pm

Bottom line, regardless of the amount of ABs, the percentages favor Howard overall.

Howard: .313 .425OBP .659 Slugging (1 HR every 10ABs)
Helms: .329 .390OBP .575 Slugging (1 HR every 24ABs)

Just based on these numbers, I think I would put more money on Ryan Howard.

I imagine that the 1b-3 E4 vs. 1b-4 E14 means more than we think it should. Perhaps a Right handed power guy has more worth than a Lefthanded power guy............

Or just perhaps.........I shouldn't worry these types of things!! :? :wink:

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Postby johnps » Tue Mar 27, 2007 3:51 pm

Here is Helms after 24 games in a $100MM league:

W Helms R 1B 3e4 77 23 31 7 3 10 24 5 16 0 0 0 .403 .454 .961 2R 9.77M

He has only 18 Games played due to a 6 game injury and only 18 ABs agianst LHP. Playing on a US Cell team. I do not know if I would draft him on a $80MM, but never say never!
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Postby LMBombers » Tue Mar 27, 2007 5:08 pm


Here is the bum batting .241 after 24 games on an all Marlins/A's team in a theme league.
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Postby cummings2 » Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:18 am

[quote:af217574fd="Rant"]In an $80M league Thome better go both ways...[/quote:af217574fd]


[quote:af217574fd="Bodie"]Now having him go both ways and his average has dropped to around .290, but has hit 4 Homers[/quote:af217574fd]

I don't know about Helms' card nor its value but you guys talking about Thome going both ways is priceless :mrgreen:
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Postby BRIANSIELSKI » Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:27 am

I don't know ... I think he's more than jsut a "little overpriced." He is overpriced when I compare him (like someone did above). And it's not jsut R. howard. There were a few guys just by glancing at the FAs.
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Postby Rant » Thu Mar 29, 2007 11:46 am

[quote:3143868034="ehlekev"]Bottom line, regardless of the amount of ABs, the percentages favor Howard overall.[/quote:3143868034]

I admittedly have a liberal arts bent to my mathematics skills, but if you stick Helms and Howard in a pitcher's park -- take RFK -- Helms's SOM OPS are actually slightly higher.

Helms 101.00
Howard 89.90

Helms 116.5
Howard 120.4

Helms 217.45
Howard 210.30

Howard of course has a bigger upside in Neutral and Hitters parks (16 vs 9 bp hrs), and numbers should be adjusted to reflect higher number of rhps.
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Thu Mar 29, 2007 3:01 pm

[quote:426b67dd04="Rant"][quote:426b67dd04="ehlekev"]Bottom line, regardless of the amount of ABs, the percentages favor Howard overall.[/quote:426b67dd04]

I admittedly have a liberal arts bent to my mathematics skills, but if you stick Helms and Howard in a pitcher's park -- take RFK -- Helms's SOM OPS are actually slightly higher.

Helms 101.00
Howard 89.90

Helms 116.5
Howard 120.4

Helms 217.45
Howard 210.30

Howard of course has a bigger upside in Neutral and Hitters parks (16 vs 9 bp hrs), and numbers should be adjusted to reflect higher number of rhps.[/quote:426b67dd04]

Thanks Rant......that is actually one of my points. Statistically, Howard should have a better card than Helms, thus being priced higher than Helms. However, Helm's card is relatively close to Howard's card overall.........which makes me think that their values should be close to the same.....but Helms is a $1M higher. It's screwed up.....twice! :? :D

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Postby geekor » Thu Mar 29, 2007 3:10 pm

In Shea the RC/27 for Helms ends up being 105, Howard 100 (not including def, or injury risk).

In US Cell Helms ends up at 126, Howard at 130.

Helms is better def, good for at least .5 mil. but I'm not sure how to quantify the extra missed games. In the Cell, Howard is definetly better, in a pitchers park, Helms is servicable, but still prefer Howard myself.
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Postby cummings2 » Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:58 am

IMHO Helms at 9.77 is about right, that card can be easily underestimated so I can certainly see the questions raised about it but still IMO the price tag is just about right and the card should produce up there.

Kinda like when the 06 game came out and some posts wondered whether or not Derek Lee was worth 13 mil. But in the end Lee has done OK.
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