Any thoughts on my first 2007 team? - 2 days to go ...

Postby MEAT » Sun Apr 22, 2007 10:31 am

as for you mr. of the order seems to be your biggest one to set up all those bombers. maybe dye can lead off?! :wink: not sure what free agency looks like, or who your dh is, but i'd try to get a high obp guy like davanon, cruz, tucker etc for guile and or salmon, maybe logan is you can dh him. perhaps trade a. jones for matthews jr. if his owner's interested. your only major weakness is table setting, but you're gonna have some fun hitting pujols and ortiz next to each other...and helling will get a hell of a lot of work....
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Postby SGTD » Sun Apr 22, 2007 10:36 am

Drakmann, here is my Rogers Center team for what it is worth. I think it is up to the rolls that you get from HAL more than anything else in this game. That is just my 2 Cents. SGT D
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Postby JdEarly » Mon Apr 23, 2007 1:20 pm

To be honest, your offense looks punishing. I have a team in your division, and my offense is going to nickel and dime for its runs. Your guys... wow. You might not have the table setters that everyone is talking about, but who needs to set the table when you've got six guys who can hit 30-50 homers? Pujols and Ortiz will be table setters enough for A-Ram, Dye, Jones, and Ross when they come up! Scary stuff.

I think you'll be giving up a lot of runs, but that comes with the territory when you play half of your games in Rogers Centre. Good luck - may you win the Wild Card. :P
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Postby MEAT » Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:12 pm

okay, take a look at sgt.d's team (BED) perfect example. in your case sarge, not ENUGH power. your pitching has given up more runs and homers than you've hit, although you're hoering close to .500. i'd guess that .319 team obp percentage is near the bottom of the league. pierre is killing you, although what youre getting out of reyes so far may support not taking him in the above trade discussion. I think your team shows a perfect example of how much obp means...although clearly a few guys are underperfoming. personally don't have much use for Bay...ESPECIALLY at that price. have just found him to underperform, dramatically. ive got him in a 200m league, and he can't crack the lineup, having begrudgingly played (re:not hit) his way out of it. that could be a source of alot of cash to get some kind of obp crazy platoon in lf, and still have more cash left over to add some power elsewhere. picking up cain was a nce move...
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Postby MEAT » Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:16 pm

as for our host mr. have made some VERY nice tweaks. shored up the lh relief, got a very good and economical 5th starter, and castillo cruz and tucker give you adequater leadoff options, should be ready to hammer some people now with how you balaned things out, and still kept the core crushers intact.
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