[quote:46f51cbad9]C. You may initiate the same position more than once. For example: Just because an owner selected a SP in Round I doesn't mean he can't select a SP in subsequent Rounds.
but ...
[quote:46f51cbad9]Each of the 12 rounds will be in the following format: A different position for each owners pick each round. Here are the 12 positions: [/quote:46f51cbad9]
I think you mean that you can initiate a position/round only once but can select the same position in a non-initiated round as long as it has not been chosen by a manager before you.
example. I have pick 1 in round 1. I select A.Jones CF. In round 2 I have the 12th pick and select a SP since that is the only position not taken(theoretically). In round 3 I have the 4th pick and I can select another SP if it has not been taken before me in this round...correct?
Every round every position can only be taken once, but if it's availabel, you could take the position every round (except the round you are forced to your your WC pick).
so you could take SP with pick 4 in the 1st round, SP again the next round (assuming it's available) even take it again the your next turn if it's still there again.
I'm going to start TWO threads on the Indy Chat. A chat thread and a draft thread. Geekor is welcomed to start anytime, remember No T.L. in Round 1, 3-hour thereafter.
As always leave the draft thread for picks only.
[b:d19b7056e9]CONSIDER THIS THREAD CLOSED[/b:d19b7056e9]