
Postby visick » Wed May 16, 2007 10:55 am

Ya know guys...

You do have to have skills to hit homeruns.

I know a # of people that are taking or have taken, that have very little athletic ability.

Like it or not in the USA, you are innocent until proven guilty.
And he's been found guilty of what again?
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Postby LMBombers » Wed May 16, 2007 11:06 am

[quote:3b7baff45a="socalchiro"]Like it or not in the USA, you are innocent until proven guilty.
And he's been found guilty of what again?[/quote:3b7baff45a]

Yeah and OJ is innocent too? :roll:
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Postby keyzick » Wed May 16, 2007 11:24 am

[quote:473faa493d]Like it or not in the USA, you are innocent until proven guilty.
And he's been found guilty of what again?[/quote:473faa493d]

That's only in the legality of the courtrooms....and didn't he admit to "unknowingly" using steroids in a Grand Jury statement (ie, "the cream and the clear")...

Not debating his skills at all, but what he's taking (steroids, HGH, whatever) adds power and distance to his hits, as well as provides him with a quicker bat so he can wait a split second longer to wait on pulling the trigger on a pitch, and of course, speeds recovery time for injuries so he doesn't miss the same amounts of time "clean" players in the past might have had to.
Last edited by keyzick on Wed May 16, 2007 11:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby MEAT » Wed May 16, 2007 11:26 am

you know how many guys are sitting on death row that we never found the body or the murder weapon for? what's even worse, is Im firmly convinced he's STILL using HGH, because they don't test for it, and it was a big part of his cocktail all along anyway. greg anderson, his trainer, may be a true loyal friend and all, but he's not sitting in prison for a 2nd time, indefinetly, for nothing. the reality is, bonds NEVER would have APPROACHED aaron's mark without juice, sosa would be nowhere near the 600 he's about to hit, palmiero NEVER would have hit 500, and mcgwire 70 without illegal enhancement. keep in mind, in his juiciest heyday, sosa hit nearly 200 homeruns in THREE years. it's a disgrace to the players who toiled for 10-15 years to amass 200 or 300 homeruns which was a pretty decent benchmark and achievement.
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Postby keyzick » Wed May 16, 2007 11:30 am

and let's not forget Jason Giambi...he's emerging unscarred from all this for some reason...
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Postby visick » Wed May 16, 2007 11:54 am

FWIW- I don't like it either.

Since we currently can't change the law, he's innocent until proven guilty of something.

I'm not a fan of Bonds, just stating the facts.

The H.O.F. has a few guys in it with checkered pasts:
Guys like Mays and Mantle took amphetamines.
Whitey Ford, Gaylord Perry and Don Sutton all have "doctored" the baseball.

If Bonds doesn't belong, then research has to be done to remove H.O.F's that also cheated.

My 2 cents...

(I'm not a Yankee fan but...)
If you hate Barry Bonds, you need to cheer on AROD. He could break the all-time HR record.
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Postby keyzick » Wed May 16, 2007 12:02 pm

Gotta admit...I'm a die-hard Red Sox fan, but find myself rooting for ARod AND actually feeling bad for him when the Yankees fans boo him. Of course that doesn't stop me from leading the chorus of boos for him at Fenway.

Would love to see him continue his torrid home run pace for the next 10 years though...
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Postby xtrap » Wed May 16, 2007 12:28 pm

I don't like Bonds but I don't hate him either. Steroids or not, he's one of the greatest baseball players of all time. And truthfully, MLB let 'roids get out of hand. So I can't blame the players for chasing the glory and big contracts.

The backlash from all of this is I don't trust any athletes in this day and age. It's a Me-Generation and there is WAY too much money involved for these athletes. Unrelated to baseball, but I mean, do any of you truly believe that Lance Armstrong was "clean" for all those titles?

Anyway.. if Bonds keeps this up he'll have a good card next year and I'll get to draft him for another strato season. :)

The only plus I see from Barry breaking Aaron's record is the media will have to cover it. I can't say that I hate Barry, but I do hate the way the media covers stories in America (Sports and Daily news included). And I know the media hates Barry.
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Postby CATom » Fri May 18, 2007 9:54 pm

I have to admit, I am a Barry Bonds fan! Not because he has used "roids", but because he has continued to perform in an extraordinary fasion DISPITE the acuzations! The man is "truly" unbelievable! Sure, Lance may have "juiced" up - maybe thats why Sheryl droped him, BUT to hit 756 hr's - no matter if you juiced for 20 years - that is an achievement! Again, I repeat, "what ever" I BELIEVE Barry is "THE" greatest "HITTER" of all time - AND - he "ain"t" done YET!!!!!!!! Maybe I am the cheer leader of the "BArry" fan club (all 10 of us) but again - GO BARRY - hit 800!!!! (i draft him EVERY year) :) Tom.

PS - McGwire and Sosa HAVTA get into the "hall", otherwise - what kinda shame is it???
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Postby mesquiton » Sat May 19, 2007 1:07 am

This argument is older than baseball, it's as old as athletic competition. There has always been cheating, the HOF is full of cheaters, many who were never caught. Not that it's a good thing, or a good excuse for more cheating, but Bonds et al simply reflect the times.

Today it's hormones and drugs, many of which we don't even know about yet, and maybe never will. Yesterday it was corking and vaseline and bennies and all kinds of Dr. Feelgood stuff.

Just wait a few more years...what happens to the record books when players start going "bionic", or better yet, start undergoing totally undetectable genetic alterations...?

It's gonna happen soon, folks, better get used to it.
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