The One Thing That Strat's Missing...

Postby Roscodog » Sun Jun 17, 2007 8:43 pm

On my tour team I just made 3 trades in the span of 2 days. We're about 100 games into the season and all the teams involved needed a change. It can be hard sometimes I agree but you can make trades work, you just have to be creative. I find the bigger problem is that people are often stubborn and want something for nothing. For those that do want change, I think my 3mil allowance for a 5 player "minor league" would help with creating more trades. Another thing that I do sometimes is leave .5 or .6 of cap space to pick a player up later or to make a late trade.
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Postby jeffdoh » Sun Jun 17, 2007 9:40 pm

he's meat is 100% right.
and i dont know what leagues you guys are in who keep saying there's all this trading going on. in all my leagues i've never once been made an offer. not once. sure, i've only played in 12-15 leagues, way less than some of you, and maybe i'm somehow finding the wrong leagues, but not one offer in 15 seasons? and i think i've only seen like 2-3 trades happen too.
the fact is that it's not uncommon to go a full season with NO trades by any manager, and that, to me, is ridiculous. like he;s meat said, if we cant strategize in-game, you sure as hell better let us trade.
and i dont buy this argument that its easy to shuffle scrubs around to make deals. it really isn't. the #s are so freaking precise and annoying and its simply not easy to get trades under cap. why is it such a big deal to allow all deals but give the managers a day to fix a cap problem caused by a trade? or just dont let them play the acquired guys until the cap problem is fixed. simple. easy. promotes trades. and no one violates the cap. i cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would have a problem with this unless you just hate trades. in which case, i cannot imagine how or why you ever got into strat....
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Postby Mean Dean » Sun Jun 17, 2007 10:22 pm

The fixed salary cap is by far the strongest protection we've got against collusion, much more effective than calling in the TSN "cops" to investigate shady situations, for reasons that are probably obvious. Messing with the salary cap is just asking for collusion to flourish. The issue IMO is simply the unwieldiness of the interface. It can take 20 minutes of plugging numbers into Excel to figure out a trade that works for both team's salary caps. Who's gonna bother? If the game interface made it easier to put together a legal offer, I think there'd be tons more trades.
Mean Dean
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Good Point!

Postby jeffdoh » Sun Jun 17, 2007 10:31 pm

Yes, DeanTSC, youre 100% right. TSN could do wonders for us by simply helping calculate this stuff for us. It really should be built in.
I do think though that you are missunderstanding my point about the salary cap. No one is asking to do away with the cap. While I am proposing that TSN ALLOW ALL DEALS to go through even if it breaks the cap, I am also saying that the newly acquired players should NOT BE ALLOWED INTO Games until that team is under the Cap. The team should be given penalty-free time to drop or pick up players to even out his cap situation. He would never be "cheating the cap" because none of his new guys will be usable until his cap is fixed. Yet we can all benefit from an easier trading mechanism in this way.
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Postby BRIANSIELSKI » Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:36 am

[quote:db2ad9de51]I don't buy the argument about the tight cap requirement being too restrictive.[/quote:db2ad9de51]

It is. When all your "scrubs" are 0.5M, there is not much wiggle room. Not only do I have to make it WORK for my team ... but I ususally have to make it work for his team. That's no fun and simply, I have more other things to do than spend hours working a trade for GM "xyz" who's not going toe ven respond to my e-mail. And who plays with $5M in "cash remaining" anyway to make a trade work.

Something needs tweaking.
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Postby jeffdoh » Mon Jun 18, 2007 4:08 pm

we should really ask TSN to fix this. i think my proposal makes sense and no one gets hurt because its impossible to break the cap in the system i suggest, where you cannot use newly acquired players in games until you are brought under the cap.

we should push for this. theres no reason it cant be done and would really make the game more enjoyable and fun. we all want to trade.
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Postby MEAT » Mon Jun 18, 2007 6:41 pm

one very simple and minor adjustment that would help immedietly is for the red-lettered message [color=red:d63cf5ffb5]"this trade would put recipient over the cap" [/color:d63cf5ffb5]etc, should come up [u:d63cf5ffb5][b:d63cf5ffb5]BEFORE[/b:d63cf5ffb5][/u:d63cf5ffb5] you propose the deal. often times ive had to send four or five deals to a guy just to find ONE that works, or even then include the message, ill dump one of my cheapos to get under cap if youre interested.
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Postby Jerlins » Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:10 pm

Often times trades do not go through simply by the fact that the one making the offer doesn't take the time to understand the needs of the trading partner. Having for example, a 4 man rotation and having an offer of Rich Harden for John Lackey, while it fits under the salary constraints, does nothing to help the person who is being offered Harden, or, on the hitting end, offering a player whose value lies in ballpark homeruns offered to an owner playing in AT&T. Offering Carlos Lee for a LF when the person being offered already is using Bonds as their DH, well, thats not an intelligent offer.

Trading can and does take place when BOTH sides are researched and a genuine offer takes place. Until someone who is making an offer uses the "how will this trade benefit my trading partner" in his offer, few if any trades will be completed. More often than not, offers (at least the ones I've seen) do wonders for the offerer, while offering little, if any help to the offeree.
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Postby Play By The Rules » Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:50 pm

Trading is rough in this game. Especially if you have a lot of these stupid "manager rating" points, rookie managers assume you are trying to fleece them. If you take the time to explain why the deal could be good for the other guy you get accused of being a used car salesman.

Sure, I trade for my own benefit first and foremost. But sometimes I don't know what you might be looking for, as many of us value players differently. I usually send out 10-20 offers during pre-waivers and I would say that maybe 5% of them are ever consumated.
Play By The Rules
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sounds like

Postby jeffdoh » Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:00 pm

most people do want to make it easier to allow trades.
so what can we do? does anyone know bernie or have a connection to anyone who can make some of the suggestions on this thread be heard?
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