I think I'm in love with Alex Escobar

Postby Palmtana » Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:45 pm

[quote:6b58916861="Jerlins"]I just had a couple of minutes and looks at the team results from the link. I just clicked on the individual games until I found one Escobar was hurt, and went from there. Took me about 5 minutes total. Just don't try it with a 600 PA guy :lol:[/quote:6b58916861]

I looked at 4 teams with Escobar (teams from Leagues 1-4 in Event 1 of the Tour.) It took me a lot longer than 5 minutes/team though. Lots of 1-3 game injuries. Around game 100 while surveying the first team I thought I was on a snipe hunt. Anyway, I persevered and here is what I found:

[code:1:6b58916861] Overall Record AB's With AE W/O AE

84-78 479 59-63 25-15

80-82 361 44-52 36-30

84-78 431 57-56 27-22

83-79 428 62-51 22-27

222-222 110-94 [/code:1:6b58916861]

Lots of variables (to many to make this mean anything?) of course, but definitely mediocre team results with <500 AB's.
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Postby Jerlins » Tue Jul 03, 2007 1:07 am

Well, the teams posted better records without Escobar, which disproves my theory somewhat, at least in the case of Escobar costing more games out of the lineup than in it. Was he the CF in most cases, and replaced by a 1 or a 2 when injured?

There are times I'm sure, where he could be considered a "must have", depending on ballpark, team makeup, divisional opponents and the rest of the usual variables. As mentioned earlier, I probably wouldn't hesitate to use him in a $100 league, risking him in an $80 league, and in CF, well, it's a gamble personally I wouldn't take. I would think spending the dollars to cover his injuries are dollars better off spent elsewhere when you only have $80 to play with. But, differing philosophies and opinions are why we play the games, so, with maybe Lenny DiNardo as the exception, everyone is feasible on a team.
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Postby albert2b » Tue Jul 03, 2007 6:33 am

Well said, Jerlins. Like with just about every other player, there are situations that Escobar can be very effective and other situations where he will be less effective. It's up to the manager to put him in the best possible situation to thrive. And even then, it's still up the the Strat Gods (the roll of the dice) to determine if he stays healthy or not...or if he perfoms at all.


This team is one of the more succesful ones I've had with him on it. Because of the high batting averages and all the SBs this team had, there were constantly runners on base and in scoring position. Thus Escobar, with all his clean hit (and XBH) units, really was the ideal player to bat 3rd or cleanup for this team. He remained relatively healthy for me, but still didn't finish in the top 3 on my team in RBIs. Overall, his numbers were good, but still not as good as some of the numbers previous posters put up with him. Again, I attribute this to simply the rolls of the dice. I don't think he could've been put in a much better situation to succeed.
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Postby Jerlins » Tue Jul 03, 2007 10:02 am

Wow, that's one helluva team. Anyone putting together a similar team against me and they should expect the basepaths to be watered down severely by my grounds crew!! 104 wins!!! Let me guess, this team also got swept by the wild card in round 1?
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Postby albert2b » Tue Jul 03, 2007 12:51 pm

LOL :lol:

Actually, that one managed to win it all. Went 7-1 in the playoffs too. So for once, there was justice in the SOM universe :)

Funny thing about that team, I was scared to death of losing not only Escobar, but Matsui as well, to injury during the last week of the regular season, that I sat both of them for my last 15 games. So, I think I could've had a shot at 110 wins if I really wanted to live dangerously. But in the end, it worked out for me. I'll take the 2 credits over strat immortality any day :wink:
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Postby Ducapa » Sun Jul 08, 2007 9:38 pm

Check out Escobar on my team....look out Ted Williams! :wink:

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Postby LA Bear » Thu Jul 12, 2007 7:21 am

LA Bear
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