bush league crap

Postby visick » Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:16 pm

Well, more info does really help this out.

I would have a problem with this as well.

I think something like this is an exception. Mostly all the guys that I play with wouldn't have done this. I would agree with you, calling this bush league.

Is this a TSN public league? These things though rare, tend to occur in those leagues. I never play in public leagues anymore. Guys that I play with are all veterans in private leagues. I've never had anything like what you experienced happen in my leagues.

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Postby Valen » Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:22 pm

His making you think he would draft him #1 and then putting him #2 I have no problem with. Actually if he believed he had tricked the entire league in to not putting Beltran on their draft cards then #8 would have been the ideal slot. On this issue I would not have called him out publicly. I do not see this part of his activities to be wrong. I see this as being sort of the strato equivalent of stealing signs. Plus I remember reading some comments by Billy Beane indicating that this type thing goes on in real life all the time. Teams posture and misrepresent their intentions all the time. Beane talked about playing up Kazmir and playing down Nick Swisher to other GMs precisely because he wanted him.

But having said that I do not see publicly posting about his strategy any different than posting and commenting about any other strategy people use. This particular strategy is not common place but if it because common guarantee it would lose all effectiveness as all would ignore the misinformation.

His promising to trade Beltran to 3 different people is dishonest. That would tick me off. And I have no problems if this is true with calling him out publicly. Others should know he will not keep his word. But I would feel better about that if the 3 people in question were available to post and verify that part. Not that I do not trust you but feel if someone is going to be publicly accused adequate evidence should be presented.
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Postby visick » Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:50 pm

Well said V...
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Postby durantjerry » Mon Jul 16, 2007 2:24 pm

I don't see a problem unless he actually had a gentleman's agreement with somebody to trade Beltran, as your word has to be your bond when trading waiver picks. If he didn't promise anyone to pick and trade Beltran, I think it's kind of dumb to fall for it. Why would you believe anyone when they tell you who they are going to pick? I always try to cover all bases even if there is almost no shot of getting a coveted player, as you never know what players others may value. I wouldn't worry about it too much, as anyone who needs to pull underhanded stunts to win probably isn't that good anyway.
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Postby DavidRis » Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:45 pm

interesting points.....and they all seem valid.

I did address it with him as well, during league play, and since he was a jerk about it, I'm not real worried about asking in a post about him, however, I deleted the persons name from the original post, because I agree that maybe I should not have put it in.

Now the topic can be discussed free from calling anyone out.
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Postby BRIANSIELSKI » Mon Jul 16, 2007 4:16 pm

As I thought it was presented ... if all he said he was Beltran and anyone want a trade ... then that is an agreement. I'm okay with that even if he tried to mislead other GMs.

However, if three GMS did make a gentlemen's trade ... that is Bush.

I've seen GMs try to trade players to teams in my division and I don't want to see it happen. So if given the opportunity, I'd try to get involved in that trade to make it not happen.

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