Coming soon - 1986, 2007, ATG III v2, Live Drafts

Free 1986 team

Postby RICHARDMILTER » Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:05 pm

I have spent well over 250 dollars in the last year on on-line SOM, and I am happy I have done that. So it will be really cool if I get a chance to play one free 1986 team. Is there a way I can insure myself that I will get a chance at ONE FREE 1986 TEAM? I HAVE ALSO BROUGHT IN TWO NEW PLAYERS THIS YEAR, WHO HAVE BOTH SPENT OVER 100 DOLLARS EACH! I only say this because I do not want to be left out in the cold for a chance at a free team!

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Postby RustyR » Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:58 am

what about the vet that have been here from the begining? I love new players to the site but what about the players that have been playing since 01?
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Postby RustyR » Fri Feb 15, 2008 2:02 am

never mind my last post, give him what he wants he's an SC fan! My grandpa played in two rose bowls in the late 30's for SC before face masks! Go Trojans!!!
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Postby luckeroll » Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:56 am

[quote:6bb401ee9f="RustyR"]never mind my last post, give him what he wants he's an SC fan! My grandpa played in two rose bowls in the late 30's for SC before face masks! Go Trojans!!![/quote:6bb401ee9f]

LOL and Go trojans!
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Postby cristano11 » Fri Feb 15, 2008 3:31 pm

why even waste time repricing atg3... thats like the second most boring thing ive ever heard of... second to the 1986 game...
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Wrong pitcher listed on Front Office

Postby jsurfers » Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:37 pm

I selected a pitcher that is not injured and has plenty of rest, why does it show a different pitcher for that game ont he Today's Games area of the Front Office? Any ideas?

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Not to rain on your parade

Postby elpasopesos » Sat Feb 16, 2008 11:19 am

Well guys while I will of course play the 1986 game for free with the live draft ,we all must understand that we aren't really getting it for free.... we are the guniea pigs to test the Live Draft feature. If SN lauched it on a pay league like the new 2008 cards, and it massively screwed up, then there would have to be enormous losses in compensation credits. While I appreciate the chance to play Robin Yount and Tim Raines, just know that we are helping them out as much as they are helping us.
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Postby LMBombers » Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:47 pm

So what. That is what we are doing now in all the other leagues already. We are helping them out by paying $$ for the games and they are helping us by providing fun entertainment. So what if we are guinea pigs for the new live draft feature? IT'S FREE, and I think it will only be an option, not the default setting of normal leagues so you won't have to "help them out" if you don't want to.
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Postby keyzick » Sat Feb 16, 2008 1:38 pm

[quote:85d89ea41e="LMBombers"]So what. That is what we are doing now in all the other leagues already. We are helping them out by paying $$ for the games and they are helping us by providing fun entertainment. So what if we are guinea pigs for the new live draft feature? IT'S FREE, and I think it will only be an option, not the default setting of normal leagues so you won't have to "help them out" if you don't want to.[/quote:85d89ea41e]

I agree...I'd rather have them use us as testers than just drop it on us and make us deal with any inequities.
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You really dont get it do you

Postby elpasopesos » Sat Feb 16, 2008 5:44 pm

[quote:bf3b94a9f8="LMBombers"]So what. That is what we are doing now in all the other leagues already. We are helping them out by paying $$ for the games and they are helping us by providing fun entertainment. So what if we are guinea pigs for the new live draft feature? IT'S FREE, and I think it will only be an option, not the default setting of normal leagues so you won't have to "help them out" if you don't want to.[/quote:bf3b94a9f8]

That has to be one of the most simplistic arguments I have ever heard. They dont offer this game so that we can be entertained. They do it to make a profit. If you had read carefully what I said, I was just wanting to tone down the "oh Thank you, thank you" rhetoric I had read in the earlier posts. There are even those who are willing to serve as recruiters to bring in more players. More players in the game, more profits for them. While I accept that they are using me as a test subject, I was just reminding everyone that their motive is not out of the goodness of their hearts. This is a classic symbiotic relationship.
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