Fake teams colluding with real ones--the new cheating

My Point

Postby chasenally » Mon Mar 03, 2008 1:01 am

I am not saying that people are cheating but if you want to the '86 game is the place to get it done. I have found that in the 10 or more teams that I have run playing strat it has been a very nice time for me. When you can have 1,346 teams and not pay any money then anything can happen. This will be very interesting as the little german guy on Laugh In use to say as Goldie Hawn danced around in a very small bikini with paint all over her body. Man would have I liked to paint her. :D
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby davydrums » Mon Mar 03, 2008 12:18 pm

You know,if someone is desparate enough to cheat to win at an on line game,they should consider getting into politics with the other pathetic lying hypocrites.
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm


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