1986 Who could remember.....

Postby LMBombers » Sun Mar 16, 2008 7:05 pm

I don't think he will hit much more than .253 from that SOM card.
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Postby blue turtle » Mon Mar 17, 2008 11:49 am

[quote:28855750a8="rmilter"]You are brilliant! That was my whole point, genius! "Geeky", or whatever that guy's name is, thinks I am yelling. I think both of you need to get a life. Or maybe try and meet a girl.

UNCLE MILTE[/quote:28855750a8]

I don't know nor care if you use all caps or not, for just the one post or all of them. But his remark is generally true: all caps on an Internet forum is typically considered "yelling," since there was, in the old days anyway, not much one could do to convey that type of communication. I think it is harder to read when someone writes in all caps for more than a sentence or a few words, but that probably is middle age.

As for Bryant, apparently a mediocre hitter, awful fielder. His card looks like someone who would have gone to Japan to play regularly there.
blue turtle
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Mon Mar 17, 2008 2:04 pm

Do you know how to read a SOM card????????????
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Mon Mar 17, 2008 2:14 pm

He hits a homer once every 12 ABs against RHP! If you knew how to read a card maybe you would understand this.All caps is easier for people to read. This print is so small! If I was shouting Geeky would know this. At least I do not use all lower case like an 8th grader! You guys should stop being so critical and get a life. If someone fires a shot at me I am going to shoot back. If you do not like it you can go jump in the lake. I do not care who you are or who you think you are, but if you do not come correct to me, I will let you know it, face to face or on line. Game over!


PS. I am whispering but carry a big stick!
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I am not an 8th grader texting my Mommy

Postby RICHARDMILTER » Mon Mar 17, 2008 2:28 pm

For such a smart group of people it is hard to fathom why some of you are so petty. If you are ever in Cleveland and you want to hang out face to face, I will give you my info and help you meet some ladies. I think that may help your thinking! Just trying to help! If all caps are offensive to you , you may be beyond my help. And if you are middle aged within a few years you will be begging for all caps, so you can read the posts! Good luck to all, even Geeky and the know it all types!
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Postby blueiguana » Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:25 pm

He only hits a HR once every 12 PA if his ballpark is 20 for HR. The real # is probably more like once every 13-14 PA, once ballpark is factored in. That's very good homerun power, but nothing extraordinary. Certainly nothing to shout about.
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Re: I am not an 8th grader texting my Mommy

Postby blue turtle » Mon Mar 17, 2008 4:02 pm

[quote:75f1e30515="rmilter"]For such a smart group of people it is hard to fathom why some of you are so petty. If you are ever in Cleveland and you want to hang out face to face, I will give you my info and help you meet some ladies. I think that may help your thinking! Just trying to help! If all caps are offensive to you , you may be beyond my help. And if you are middle aged within a few years you will be begging for all caps, so you can read the posts! Good luck to all, even Geeky and the know it all types![/quote:75f1e30515]

blue turtle
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Postby killer_elite » Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:06 pm

His HR #s are nice vs. Righties at 15% (with a BPH at 1-10). But is his low OB% worth the risk for a platoon DH at 5.24m? He seems overpriced to me.

And yes.. typing in all caps = yelling. There is no need to get all upset over that fact. The guy was just pointing it out to you so hopefully you wouldn't yell at us any more. :)
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