by JdEarly » Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:36 pm
Good start! Sorry I didn't get back on the thread over the last couple of days. I was on a break from school and vacation from work last week, and started back on Monday. Anyhow...
1. I like the fact that you switched closers. As I said before, I think Soriano would be a nice piece in a pitcher's park, but in your park (and entire division) I think he would best blasted.
2. Cole Hamels is going to have a long year for you. If your offense can put up some big numbers when he's on the mound, I think you'll be okay. He'll strike out a ton of guys, but, as you can tell by the three homers he gave up in that first start, he can give up runs in a hurry.
3. One thing I didn't think about regarding Robinson Cano and your pitching staff... every single one of your pitchers who has a fielder's 'X' on a 7 on their card has the position listed as second base. That means Cano's defense is going to play a huge role, and could be the difference between a hit and out at least once a series. That could be dangerous. I wish there were ways to tell whether a hit is due to a player's fielder rating. (For anyone who's actually checked out a lot of cards, is 2B-X on a 7 roll really this much more common than a SS-X? Let me know.)
4. I hope that Mauer and Pence miss a minimal number of games for you. I usually try not to carry more than one player with a serious injury rating (I would consider both of these players to have that), and for the one that I do, I always try to carry a capable backup (I feel Cabrera is that, but Laird is not comparable to Mauer on any level). If they stay healthy, your team is downright scary. If they miss as many games as they have the potential to, I feel things could get ugly.
Fantastic start, sweeping your opening opponent. Keep up the good work.