Is this team in trouble?


Postby BeltranFebles » Sat Mar 22, 2008 11:17 pm

Loretta is gone. As if Hoffman.

Street, Capps, Corpas and Wagner are all out there.
DeRosa is available at 2B.

I think Lincecum will surprise some people. And I consider Smoltz my best pitcher, despite his salary being a bit cheaper than Hamels.

So is R Soriano a keeper or does he get cashed in for a better closer?
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Postby the splinter » Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:44 pm

[quote:92c42679f6]Except for RF,CF, and SS no one can field?????????????? I got news for you bra, that is half the team that can field! 3 out of 7 anyway! Take all advice with a very large grain of salt. Some guys refuse to play unless they have all 1s. That strategy is not the only strategy! But do what you like![/quote:92c42679f6]

3 out of 7? What game are you playing? In baseball there is 9 fielding positions. 3 of 9 is 1/3 ....not even close to half. If you read my post carefully you will note that I too stated that these were only suggestions/ideas and that he should do as he feels right.

Also, for the record...I am not your's or any anyone elses "bra".
the splinter
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Postby the splinter » Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:53 pm

I didn't suggest that you try to field an all 1 team. I did say that having several 4's and 3's will hurt your staff in the hitting division that you play. I will say that without all 1's and 2's in the middle the extra 4's and 3's hurt that much more.

JD's ideas mirror mine but with much more detail.

I just couldn't pitch Soriano in a division with 2 Cell's...some will say go for it....some will say go another direction...I'm for another direction.

Smoltz looks good but has a history of underperforming in Strat. I understand that this reasoning is based on less than solid facts and more on speculation but I have played the online version from Day 1 and trends do appear and G.M's do get gun shy from year to year and player to player....example:see Bill Doran in ATG. I hope he proves me wrong.

Good luck and keep us posted. :)
the splinter
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Postby durantjerry » Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:16 pm

Soriano must go. Nice pitcher in the right situation, but this isn't it.
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Valverde OR Capps?

Postby BeltranFebles » Mon Mar 24, 2008 8:18 am

Valverde is E, strikes out more people and has a 1.12 WHIP. He has a higher HR ratio than Capps.

Capps is a 6R, has 1.01 WHIP and gives up less long balls than Valverde. The 6R bothers me and my suspect defense could be more of an issue with a guy like Capps because of the lower K ratio.

Leaning towards Valverde.

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Postby durantjerry » Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:59 am

I would say there is probably not much to seperate them, but would go with Valverde because he's more balanced and and is a C6 vs Capps C4.
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Postby JdEarly » Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:36 pm

Good start! Sorry I didn't get back on the thread over the last couple of days. I was on a break from school and vacation from work last week, and started back on Monday. Anyhow...

1. I like the fact that you switched closers. As I said before, I think Soriano would be a nice piece in a pitcher's park, but in your park (and entire division) I think he would best blasted.

2. Cole Hamels is going to have a long year for you. If your offense can put up some big numbers when he's on the mound, I think you'll be okay. He'll strike out a ton of guys, but, as you can tell by the three homers he gave up in that first start, he can give up runs in a hurry.

3. One thing I didn't think about regarding Robinson Cano and your pitching staff... every single one of your pitchers who has a fielder's 'X' on a 7 on their card has the position listed as second base. That means Cano's defense is going to play a huge role, and could be the difference between a hit and out at least once a series. That could be dangerous. I wish there were ways to tell whether a hit is due to a player's fielder rating. (For anyone who's actually checked out a lot of cards, is 2B-X on a 7 roll really this much more common than a SS-X? Let me know.)

4. I hope that Mauer and Pence miss a minimal number of games for you. I usually try not to carry more than one player with a serious injury rating (I would consider both of these players to have that), and for the one that I do, I always try to carry a capable backup (I feel Cabrera is that, but Laird is not comparable to Mauer on any level). If they stay healthy, your team is downright scary. If they miss as many games as they have the potential to, I feel things could get ugly.

Fantastic start, sweeping your opening opponent. Keep up the good work.
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Postby the splinter » Tue Mar 25, 2008 3:06 pm

[quote:a2317249ea]For anyone who's actually checked out a lot of cards, is 2B-X on a 7 roll really this much more common than a SS-X? Let me know.)

SS always has a slighly higher probability of X rolls over a season. I think Dean(or others) will give you the straight #'s but it amounts to 12-15 more than 2b over the course of a season.
the splinter
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Postby CHARLESBELL » Wed Mar 26, 2008 3:16 pm

[quote:0896509920="the splinter"][quote:0896509920]For anyone who's actually checked out a lot of cards, is 2B-X on a 7 roll really this much more common than a SS-X? Let me know.)

SS always has a slighly higher probability of X rolls over a season. I think Dean(or others) will give you the straight #'s but it amounts to 12-15 more than 2b over the course of a season.[/quote:0896509920]

The percentage chance of an x-result by position is the same on every pitchers card. If you find a 2b-x on a roll of 6 or 8, for example, you will also see a 2b-x at a 12 or 2, which adds up to the same thing.

ss-x rolls are 4 and 5 or roll 9 and 10, giving a slightly higher percentage for ss.
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