by The Biomechanical Man » Sat Dec 03, 2005 10:09 pm
Okay, I was the one who sent the original message about Wilkerson’s stats, and PBTR was the one who sent the “no spam, please” response. Of course I’ve seen PBTR on the message boards, but I don’t recall any history of playing with him in a league, and I didn’t have any opinion of him before, good or bad. With that background, let me share my observations with PBTR and the rest of you.
It is clear to me that when posting his initial reply – [quote:45208951e2]How about if we restrict league e-mail to really pertinent issues?...[/quote:45208951e2]
– PBTR was genuinely trying to be cordial. However, PBTR, try putting yourself in the position of the person receiving the message. Your [i:45208951e2]words[/i:45208951e2] are polite, but what it [i:45208951e2]sounds like[/i:45208951e2] is, [quote:45208951e2]Hey, don’t take it personally, but most of what you say is a boring, stupid waste of time to most other people.[/quote:45208951e2]
As F.O.X mentioned before, PBTR’s message put an end to the fun messages in the league. Let me clarify – there were about two messages a day up until PBTR’s message – not 20 messages a day. The messages were about player’s stats in the league, how well/poorly teams were doing, or free agent chatter in real MLB. There were no nasty messages, where one manager was teasing another in any manner.
PBTR told me he has about 20 teams running at a time among three platforms (ATG2, 2005, and one other). I usually have 1-3 teams running. PBTR likes to interact with others on the message board. I like to interact with others in the leagues I’m in, and then sometimes on the message board. Is one of us right or wrong, better or worse? Of course not. Furthermore, this is a public league, with some first-time managers. Do you guys remember how fun your first league was? What do you think they think of PBTR’s edict?
Like Fillies, I will try to avoid playing in a league with PBTR in the future. Again, I have nothing against the guy; different people have different styles of enjoying the game. I [b:45208951e2]like[/b:45208951e2] clicking on my team and seeing the little yellow envelope icon.
My point is that it is better for someone who doesn’t like messages in a league to delete them without reading them, than for people who do like sending/receiving messages to have to worry who they are bothering and boring.