by Rant » Thu May 29, 2008 12:05 pm
As we're throwing out dates, I'm out of Internet range on the weekend of June 7-8.
[b:22bba43bce]Keeper Rules:[/b:22bba43bce]
Keepers - Min 10 / No maximum
Stadiums - Have to annouce with keeper list if keeping, and if not, must use draft pick for new stadium.
80m Salary Cap
All Owners start drafting FA in same round - regardless of # of Keepers
Draft order is Serpentine, and is based upon last seasons W/L Results.
Divisions are static.
In past years, keepers we've posted from best to worst ... meaning the owner with the best record had to post his keepers first. Other owners could post before their turn, but did not have to.
We can keep with this tradition, or post them first-come first-serve.
Losers over the Bay Sox in seven games. Eagles were the wild card. Check my assumptions on draft order. Random number generator for non-division tie?
Replacement Losers geekor 87-75 .537
Newark Eagles Aray0113 87-75 .537
ELK CREEK B26S jehale 83-79 .512
Chernobyl Exclusion Zone Rant 81-81 .500
OKL Moriches Bay Sox AF Dickie 86-76 .531
Turtle Bay Samurai 07 The Turtle 85-77 .525
Riverside Drives Cubit 81-81 .500
Original Replacements BigAlric 76-86 .469
brave warriors spicki17 79-83 .488
Motown Mustangs vince0501 77-85 .475
Bristol BombersVI Ninersphan 77-85 .475
Ottawa Eccentrics ArrylT 73-89 .451
1. ArrylT 73-89
2. BigAlric 76-86
3. Ninersphan 77-85 (TIE: In-division loser of tiebreak)
4. vince0501 77-85
5. spicki17 79-83
6. Rant 81-81 (TIE)
x. Cubit 81-81 (TIE)
8. jehale 83-79
9. The Turtle 85-77
10. AF Dickie 86-76
11. Aray0113 87-75
12. geekor 87-75