good 07 strat pitchers?

Postby geekor » Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:06 pm

I'm guessing this is before waivers?

Well I would target Wainwright and someone else on the cheap side, unless a better midrange * comes out after waivers that would fit your park. Look at the SP on the Bikini Bashers, he got a good chunk of cheaper SP with very little or no BP HR's, which is what you want. Your top 2 are good enough, but your need to fill out the bottom 2 cheaply and hopefully effectively.

Your offense needs a lot more work IMHO. Granderson is ok, snyder Lee and Rios are ok at best. The rest of that team needs to go.

Pena or howard at 1b, Arod or Atkins at 3b, Would love to see Keppinger at 2b and bonds at DH to be your #1 and #2 hitters, great OBP at top that way. Ankiel, Pence for the OF are improvements over Rios and Lee IMHO. Or you could try for Jeter to leadoff, but probably gone in the first round of waivers. Betancourt at SS to keep lefties honest as a cheaper option.

well there's my .02 hope it helps.
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Postby geekor » Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:09 pm

personally, I like to have 1 great setup guy and 3-4 cheapies in the pen to go with my closer. I love H Bell in this set for that purpose.
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Postby rocker93 » Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:25 pm

thanks i didn't realize my team needed so much work - thanks for the help
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Tue Jun 17, 2008 9:35 pm

I have used Sheets and Hudson before with moderate success in Kauffman. Hudson's ERA was low 3s. And Sheets was low 4s. I agree with the guy who said you can get a good closer for half the price of the most exspensive closers.Good luck.
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Postby askaufman » Wed Jun 18, 2008 1:11 pm

Only thing I would suggest, Johnson is very erratic pitcher and lefties tend to get hammered in this game. He will pitch great and then get pounded. Looking at the final stats, Correria and Bannister were better bargains for me. Also I had Rios and he was horrible against right-handers but pounded left-handers so take that into consideration. Don't think he's worth the money.
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Postby geekor » Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:34 pm

I can't beleive the hitters that are still out there are you are trolling with that lineup!?!?

Look, RJ is a complete waste in your park, besides the oodles of BP Hr's, it's just bad money management. Pitchers are priced on how many projected innings they will pitch, and a * sp will pitch more, so with having 2 * and then RJ at almost the same price, but will pitch less games, you're throwing that money away. At with some great hitters left, you HAVE to make changes. Now couple that with the fact your are in a big time hitters park, your pitchers will not last as long, that team will not win, I guarantee it.

Also you have HORRIBLE def which will absolutely kill you. You CANNOT win with a 4 at 2b, 3 at SS, those are the 2 most important def positions!

My suggestion is get 3 cheap SP's to round out your SP staff besides your top 2. You can keep Perez, but dump RJ and Sheets for cheaper options.

I would then turn in your RP who have a lot of BP Hr's, again, for ones that don't. Drop Speier and Timlin for Broxton and Shouse (as an example), then change out Proctor for Weurtz and pick up Logan (rp). You can then have your closer, 2 decent setup (Brox and Shouse) 2 cheap specialists (Green vs R, Logan vs L). All of those pitchers should be set to avoid before 6th (or later) so only Wuertz get those innings where your SP gets knocked out early.

That would leave you extra $$ for offense, which you need.

Next PICK UP JETER. 2 range at SS and your leadoff hitter. You need OB in front of the sluggers, otherwise all you get are solo HR's.
Next you NEED at min of a 3, preferably a 2 at 2b, get what you can afford. You could also grab Keppinger for 2b (a 3 but low E) and use the money elsewhere, I can't beleive Chipper is availalbe!

Now the rest is up to you. I think you need more SLG, so this next part in my opinion, and may or may not be the best. But this is the team I would build, with your team and what is in the FA list:

SP: Webb, Hudson, Hughes, Baek, Batista,
RP: Weathers, Broxton, Wuertz, Romero, Green, Logan
C: IRod
1b: Howard
2b: Cora
SS: M young
3b: C Jones
LF: R Winn
CF: Granderson
RF: Gross/Sosa platoon
DH: Bonds

3 x .50 backup, one that can play 2b, at the very least.
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You have great advise in this thread

Postby STEVEPONEDAL » Thu Jun 19, 2008 5:24 pm

Pitxching-wise, Schroder has been great for me on 2 US Cell teams. If you amp up your defense as Geekor says it makes your pitching better.

I am having great luck with:

S Hill
Verlander ( maybe too expensive)
F Morales
W Rodriguez

If I was going to redraft I would get

2 RHP*
1 LHP*

I like playing the match-ups in the final 2 weeks of the season. Make sure; low WHIP, High Ks and low BPHRs.

Some cheap hitter's for hitter's parks that have worked out for me are:

T Clark 1B
J Bautista 3B

SOM is awesome. Have Fun.
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Postby goredsox33 » Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:26 pm

Oswalt is decent and at a reasonable price .
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:42 am

I have Michael Young,Carlos Lee, and Alex Rios(just traded for him) all on one team(as well as you). My stadium is Kauffman and they are all doing well. At their numbers or just below. The team is 40-35. As a said before; I have Hudson(ERA 3.24) on that same team. And Sheets on another team with a 15-12 record and a 4.02 ERA. Sheets put those numbers up in Kauffman. Not bad even for Kauffman.
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Postby geekor » Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:57 am

Kaufmann has very little BP HR, Where Chase is almost Maxed out at 18's. not even close when comparing.
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