ArrylT's Best Individual Statistical Seasons

Postby ArrylT » Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:58 pm


Well apart from the fact that I had 2 guys finish with identical HR & RBI - I don't think I've ever had a team, prior to this one, that had 6 batters hit 40+ HR. :shock: Hmm maybe I should go back and play some more BTT80s! :) Then again I still don't have a championship in that card set yet. :(

[url=]BTT80s: '83 Jody Davis hits 151 points above OPS[/url]

Oh and to win 93 games and NOT make the playoffs was painful! :cry:
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Postby ArrylT » Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:09 pm


Ok the main reason I am showing this season, apart from to show that even a '78 Rice & a '83 Niederfuer (and a strong '86 from DiPino) couldnt save this disaster of a team (I think it is tied for most losses I ever had) is that I do not think I have ever seen a SP lose as many games as Wegman did. My team sure did leave that poor sob out to dry! :shock:

[url=]BTT80s: Bob Wegman loses 27 Games[/url]
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Postby ArrylT » Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:41 pm


The Super Reliever was no longer as super in 2003, but you could still get solid relief efforts from your R2s. However this season was remembered mostly for how well my closer did, and how well HAL used him. Gagne saved a very impressive .913 of all games he came into. On a whole my bullpen pitched very well - covering for an average rotation - except for a gem of a season by Contreras.

[url=]2003: E. Gagne 1.54 / 0.71[/url]
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Postby ArrylT » Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:51 pm


2003 was a tough card season for me, and I was lucky to keep my win % over .500 and win a couple of championships. I never really got too many great hitting performances but then again I think I played in a lot of pitchers parks.

However I did get this nice duet performance in Skydome from Javy Lopez & Jim Thome, with M. Young & P. Wilson providing backup vocals. ;)

[url=]2003: 109 HR & 303 RBI by Lopez/Thome[/url]

Lopez won the MVP, however I think Abreus leadoff role & 140 runs sort of helped. M. Batista also provided a nice 20 win performance with a sterling .769 win % thanks to the best run support in the league. ;)
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Postby ArrylT » Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:53 pm


After some consideration I decided to add one more 2003 team. This team was a theme team, I can remember that from the team name (since that is the only time I start a team name with something other than Ottawa), but I cannot remember what the theme was.

I think, based on the league name, Dr. Frankensteins Experiments, that it was a theme where you had to use some sort of experiment on your team. Looking at my roster, my experiment was probably no SP over 2m.

In any case I felt this team was worthy because of the performances of Todd Helton (147 RBI) Tike Redman (.376 and 2nd in Hits despite missing 21 games) and last but definitely not least Jason Isringhausen (0.00 ERA in 31 Appearances).

[url=]2003: Helton, Redman, Isringhausen and no good SP[/url]
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Postby ArrylT » Wed Jul 30, 2008 1:24 pm

[b:fba133c00c]ATG II:[/b:fba133c00c]

Lou Gehrig was one of my favourite players in ATG II. Unforunately he has never seemed able to do the same in ATG III. Maybe he will rebound in ATG IV. However this season is not about Gehrig, or even Jack Clark, as nice as their seasons were.

This is for Rickey Henderson, or Oakland #24 as we knew him then. ;)

[url=]ATG II: Rickey Henderson 51 HR, 147 RS & 44 SB[/url]

I've added an extra link to another Henderson season. The reason this season doesnt get its own highlight is because it was a Chicks Dig The Long Ball theme - so gaudy numbers were expected.

[url=]ATG II Extra Link: [/url]
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Postby ArrylT » Wed Jul 30, 2008 1:35 pm

[b:2bf1a6e44d]ATG II:[/b:2bf1a6e44d]

Although none of the SP had a truly significant seaosn - combined they did something that got into the record books. This was a regular league - except it was Sci-Fi themed - hence the team name - but my pitching staff combined for what I think was the team K record. Now it is 2nd best, and I guess will always be 2nd best in ATG II.

[url=]ATG II: Pitchers strike out 1340 batters[/url]

Oh and check out the errors on D. Bush - pre-normalization! :shock:
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Postby ArrylT » Wed Jul 30, 2008 1:49 pm

[b:6883bce4ee]ATG II:[/b:6883bce4ee]

This team had a couple of interesting statistics I wanted to share, apart from the very nice combo of Gehrig & Clark (140 HR & 325 RBI). Firstly I do not think I have seen a team where 9 pitchers all pitched 100+ IP, and only Pipgras went over 200 IP. Secondly the different in RS & RBI by Charlie Gehringer. Only 37 RBI (last on the team excluding bench players) but 145 runs scored - for a difference of 108! Well I guess that is what you want out of your leadoff hitter! :lol:

[url=]ATG II: Gehringer 145 Runs but only 37 RBI[/url]

Also - interestingly enough - everyone who score 100+ runs, also drew 100+ walks.
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Postby ArrylT » Fri Aug 01, 2008 3:28 pm


2004 was when I started to cut back some ... instead of 40-50 teams a season I'd only play 30. ;)

This is a nice example of a 1 Stud pitching staff. In other words you get 1 stud SP, a group of cheap matchup pitchers, a solid bullpen, and hope for the best. ;)

[url=]2004: Johan Santana 23-8 2.35 / 0.97[/url]

In fact it worked so well - Santana won the MVP on top of the CY Young! 8-)
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Postby ArrylT » Fri Aug 01, 2008 3:34 pm


It is not too often that you can get a team Slugging % over .500 in the later S0M card sets - even in Coors. I had 3 huge bats, who drove in lots of runs ... but try and guess which one won the HR title. ;)

[url=]Humberto Cota - thou wert a god in 2004![/url]
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