Managers allowed multiple

Postby RICHARDMILTER » Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:39 pm

TH said:[quote:def9fa6230]Seems to me it would be fairly obvious if one user had multiple teams in the same league since it lists the owner's account right in the division standings. Therefore the option of allowing multiple teams by a user is strictly for theme leagues.

Except when the one manager, has two account names.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:43 pm

And if one guy was willing to buy 12 teams up front, you do not believe there have been others who bought two or more teams under different names in order to give themselves a competitive advantage. Are we that naive to suggest that no one has ever cheated at this game. People cheat at checkers.
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Re: Managers allowed multiple

Postby coyote303 » Mon Sep 22, 2008 10:31 pm

[quote:bb5f8c923c="rmilter"]...I am NOT saying this is a cheating community, I am quite sure over 90% of the people here would never even consider cheating, but there will always be those who will cut illegal corners,... if given the chance. And I did not appreciate all the people who piled on me when I suggested that this was happening.[/quote:bb5f8c923c]

If you make "90%" into "99%," then you may have a point. In addition to being more accurate (IMHO), if you go with the premise that 10% of managers cheat, then you will find yourself questioning every trade, suspecting every manager.

For example, I once traded a mid-value secondbaseman for a scrub. Then I dumped the scrub. I'm surprised no one questioned it to be honest. But I wanted to free up some salary cap and had I a cheaper replacement in mind. It was a win-win trade but on the surface it looked one-sided.

I don't mean to attack you; in fact, I backed you up on your original post. Just don't let the one bad experience make you believe cheating is going on more than it is.

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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:06 am

Your posts are always fair, and in my opinion, right on the money. But when I said ,"90% plus would not even consider cheating," I think that pretty much speaks for itself. And I know there are many SALARY cap situational trades that go down, that might appear one sided, that are win, win. I am writing about live draft leagues, where salary cap was not an issue. And extremely strange moves where made. And I do remember you backing me up, or at least saying there was a possibility of foul play. I do not scrutinize every trade, especially in most normal salary cap leagues.
All I am saying is; to assume that no one has ever had two teams in the same league under different names, is as ludicrous as assuming, that everyone cheats. I know it has happened. I would bet my life on it. And all these people coming out of the wood work saying stuff like, "I do not even know how that would work" is crazy. Because the person who made basically that same statement(no names) admitted one time that he had at one time used a different account, and different account name. All that I am saying is; please do not say no one has ever tried to get a competitive advantage,... outside of the rules. Because I know this to be untrue! And the ones who say stuff like, "Well how would that work" are sounding real naive, or real suspicious.
I have read many of your posts,... Coyote, and you always give wise, helpful advice, and you are a voice of reason. I do not think you are naive or suspicious. I always appreciate your opinions and advice. And I am not asking you to side with me. I just know what I know, and that is; some(a very small percentage) will bend the rules because of their competitive nature. Probably less in this community, but when others imply that it would be impossible, or that it has never happen, I strongly disagree. I have vowed once before to drop this topic. And I will do so again. But it would not be good for the game, or the community for someone to not speak up, if they feel injustices(cheating) have happened.
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Postby JCII » Tue Sep 23, 2008 1:28 am

[quote:e9807cd11a="rmilter"]And if one guy was willing to buy 12 teams up front, you do not believe there have been others who bought two or more teams under different names in order to give themselves a competitive advantage. Are we that naive to suggest that no one has ever cheated at this game. People cheat at checkers.[/quote:e9807cd11a]

This buying 12 teams may be an idea for you rmilter that way you can control who is traded to who and report to the message boad that you cheated if the deal doesn't work out. Plus it would be great to have 11 other guys like you in the league. But be careful because you may challange youself to a fight in Cleveland and kick your own butt!
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Postby Jerlins » Tue Sep 23, 2008 3:14 am

I think 10% is a bit harsh. That would mean cheating going in every league one would ever play in. After 140 leagues I've never had even a suspicion of less than honorable players. Honestly, I'd be surprised if the figure was even 1/10 of 1%. Maybe I'm naive <shrug>.

While it safe to assume that there are some out there, many times what looks like a horrible trade to you, actually makes sense to the parties involved. Too often, players look at a trade and decide how it affects them when making a judgement on a trade, rather than how it affects the two who actually made it. Assuming there is collusion when a bad trade actually takes place is not the way to endear yourself to the community. Sometimes, a player may not understand the little quirks about this game, such as ballpark homeruns, or the fact that this isnt fantasy baseball, and you cant field a team of 4's and 5's at each position just because they can hit (which is a common mistake with rookies). It's the job of the vets to explain the ins and outs, as opposed to calling folks out.

I think you'd be surprised by the demographics of this community. While people of any age can be a bad apple, I'd venture to say that while very competitive, most if not all involved in this game are mature enough that competition and challenge is much more imortant than the prize at the end of the season.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Tue Sep 23, 2008 6:36 am

JCII said[quote:0edc09e74d]
This buying 12 teams may be an idea for you rmilter that way you can control who is traded to who and report to the message boad that you cheated if the deal doesn't work out. Plus it would be great to have 11 other guys like you in the league. But be careful because you may challange youself to a fight in Cleveland and kick your own butt! [/quote:0edc09e74d]

That is a novel idea JC,..... except I do not need to own all 12 teams to dominate, I am dominating you and every other team in that league! I lead you by what,..... 20 games? Good luck the rest of the will need it just to break .500. It is interesting how YOU keep waying in on this topic.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Tue Sep 23, 2008 6:54 am

Jerlins said:[quote:c8fe148d9a]I think 10% is a bit harsh. That would mean cheating going in every league one would ever play in. After 140 leagues I've never had even a suspicion of less than honorable players. Honestly, I'd be surprised if the figure was even 1/10 of 1%. Maybe I'm naive[/quote:c8fe148d9a]

It is interesting that my quotes, right there in front of you, can be twisted and turned, by even the smartest people! Did you read what I said???? I said (for the 3rd time NOW) "90 plus percent would not even consider cheating" that is what I said! You can not change MY WORDS!!!!!!!!!!! Do you understand, those words?????? One more time now"90 plus percent would not even consider cheating" Where do you get 10% cheaters out of that?? (for the 5th time) "90 PLUS PERCENT, WOULD NOT EVEN CONSIDER CHEATING" If that statement means I think 10% cheat, you, well I guess we just interpret the English language differently. Words are words,you can twist them all you want, but these particular words mean one thing, (for the 6th time)"90 plus percent would not even consider cheating"! I do not know how to put it any more clearly,....are you new to the English language???? I am going to give it a rest now, I have a funeral to attend to , and other business to take care off. So you can start the name calling, and piling on now! My feet are in the right place, and I will stand firm! Please by all means, take your best shot! Tell me I am a paranoid fool, a conspiracy theorist, a cheat myself, a communist, I really do not care. It will be interesting to see how much more my words will be twisted, and how many more from the league in question thumb their noses in amazement that I have even brought this matter to light. Oh and for my friend JCII, you have a lot of work to be done, if you want to catch me, but here's to hoping!

And yes Jerlings, if you have been in 140 leagues and think that no one has ever had two teams under different names at least once in those leagues, are naive, but hey, being naive is better than being a cheat! Now let's see how many people can pile on! Give it your best shot!
Last edited by RICHARDMILTER on Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:09 am

JCII suggested that I buy all 12 teams so I could dominate, and I told him I was 20 games ahead of him, it turns out I lied,..... I am only 17 games ahead of you JCII. And maybe if you had not dropped your 5th, 10th, 15th, and 21st picks(mere hours after the draft) in a NO SALARY CAP LEAGUE , you would not be 17 games behind me. I am quite sure Barry Bonds, and Frankie Morales would have helped you win some more games, especially in a league WITHOUT A SALARY CAP! IT IS INTERESTING THAT THE BENEFACTOR OF ALL YOUR DROPS, IS THE TEAM WITH THE BEST RECORD IN THE LEAGUE(ONE GAME AHEAD OF ME)!
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