So far I haven't been very successful at SOM (basically, for every 40 games I win 19 and lose 21), but one area that has worked well for me is IBB. I have two rules:
If you're playing one of the 3 or 4 worst team offenses in the league, click "IBB agressive." Otherwise, click "IBB conservative." Bad hitting teams usually have maybe 3 guys who hit well, and this way you often avoid them in rallies or potential rallies.
Set pitchers with E, 1L, or 1R ratings at "IBB less," and set reverse-pitchers at "IBB less." Set all others with no checkmark. That way you pitch around difficulties with non-reverse pitchers. As for reverse pitchers, if it's on the batters' card the batter is more likely to be at a disadvantage (the exception being reverse batters!), and if it's on the pitchers' card he definitely will be -- hence IBB less.
With those rules, IBB have been successful for me the vast majority of the time.