Any Netplay Strat Football Guys out there?

Postby geekor » Sat Nov 15, 2008 7:40 pm

yea I have the same handle as here. I own a team, and so does TomB (also from here), plus killer_elite and ndowdy all help GM both teams. Mins is uncapped and after a horrible start has really blossomed now. Tom's team just started this season, so level 13 capped.
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Questions about modern S-O-M Football

Postby coyote303 » Sun Nov 16, 2008 1:38 am

I used to play S-O-M Football a lot face-to-face in the 70s. While I enjoyed it, there were certain aspects about it I didn't like at all. Here were my concerns; can someone tell me if they are still there?

1. Too easy to sack a QB with good blocking by simply blitzing 3 linebackers or getting a successful doubleteam. In other words, a team with 5 pass blocking (best) was no better off avoiding sacks when three blitzed or if the receiver was double-teamed than a team rated 1 (worst). In fact, good blocking teams were actually more susceptible to an all-out blitz than a poor blocking team because their QB had more "pass rush" results.
2. Called right and with a linebacker in the zone, flat passes couldn't net over 4 yards (unless linebacker was burned or on a receiver result).
3. Throwing long passes to your halfback was a good way to combat the defense when they double-teamed three receivers.
4. For that matter, being able to double-team three receivers always seemed a bit much. This also ties in with #1.
5. Key a running back and you always get negative yardage off their card (exceptions made for really good running backs).
6. Fumbles only occurred on running plays (and special teams). This made running riskier than passing for many teams.
7. Unless kicking out of bounds, punts were always fielded for a return (or possible fair catch).

A new concern: What's the penalty for keying a running back if there is only one viable runner? Years ago, teams had a HB and FB and they were both a threat to run the ball, so keying had risk. What's the risk now?

I know S-O-M has made great improvements to their baseball game over the years. Has it done the same for football? I remember a good running team could duplicate its stats, but it was just too easy to defend against the pass (see 1,2, and 4 above) unless they had a good running game to go with it.


EDIT: Added a point to #1.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Sun Nov 16, 2008 4:45 am

SOM has made a lot of adjustments to the CD-ROM version of Football. While it is not perfect, it is a lot more fun and realistic then the board game. I too played the board game in the late 70s and the 1980s. The CD-ROM is much less tedious. A lot of the problems that you speak of are fixed.
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Postby JOSEPHNEY » Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:10 pm

I am new to online baseball and have a greater interest in purchasing the football cd rom game.I have never seen or played the cd rom game.Alot of my questions about it were answered here about being able to draft fantasy teams with in 1 season or change players assigned teams if i wanted to within 1 season.But what about bringing other years players to a different year if i had both those seasons on disk?Can you do that?I'm assuming if you can switch his years league you have to put him back onto his original years disk if you want to ever use him there again.
Also i see alot of teams offered by stratomatic have different versions what is compatable with what?I can ONLY use cd rom,as my other kind of drive is broken so its cd rom only for me.I'm hoping if i just buy last years version,then at least anything put out on cd rom from the past i can use with it.any threads or replys would help
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football question

Postby JOSEPHNEY » Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:10 pm

I am new to online baseball and have a greater interest in purchasing the football cd rom game.I have never seen or played the cd rom game.Alot of my questions about it were answered here about being able to draft fantasy teams with in 1 season or change players assigned teams if i wanted to within 1 season.But what about bringing other years players to a different year if i had both those seasons on disk?Can you do that?I'm assuming if you can switch his years league you have to put him back onto his original years disk if you want to ever use him there again.
Also i see alot of teams offered by stratomatic have different versions what is compatable with what?I can ONLY use cd rom,as my other kind of drive is broken so its cd rom only for me.I'm hoping if i just buy last years version,then at least anything put out on cd rom from the past i can use with it.any threads or replys would help
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football question

Postby JOSEPHNEY » Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:21 pm

I am new to online baseball and have a greater interest in purchasing the football cd rom game.I have never seen or played the cd rom game.Alot of my questions about it were answered here about being able to draft fantasy teams with in 1 season or change players assigned teams if i wanted to within 1 season.But what about bringing other years players to a different year if i had both those seasons on disk?Can you do that?I'm assuming if you can switch his years league you have to put him back onto his original years disk if you want to ever use him there again.
Also i see alot of teams offered by stratomatic have different versions what is compatable with what?I can ONLY use cd rom,as my other kind of drive is broken so its cd rom only for me.I'm hoping if i just buy last years version,then at least anything put out on cd rom from the past i can use with it.any threads or replys would help
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:45 am

Once you buy the CD-ROM it comes with all the seasons rosters already on the disk. You just need the SOM codes to unlock them. So everytime you wish to purchase a new season, you send SOM 21.00$ and they send you a card with product registration, and the code to unlock the season. I just bought the All-Time Great Franchises, and it is special.
As far as putting a player from a different year in a league or game;... you should be able to do this, however I have never tried. Maybe I will try and get back to you. You can with their CD-ROM baseball no problem. Also with football you can play teams from different years against each other. I would highly recommend it. I play all the time. And if anyone is interested in playing a few games, or having a league or tournament, please let me know. Internet play is easy. Anyway, good luck I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
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card image

Postby JOSEPHNEY » Tue Dec 02, 2008 6:26 pm

thanks rmilter,just knowing i dont have to worry about whats compatiable with what and that its all on 1 cd rom is awesome,i've been holding off buying the cd rom version for 7 years because i was just scared of the unknown.I'm gonna get the 2007 cd rom season with card image,and since i have been playing an all time greatest teams tournament for nearly 4 years now by myself using the board game,this will make it so much faster to play the entire 16 game schedule.
Question, if i buy an older season say the 85 season(da bears) does it come with card image???? or any season prior to 06 or 07 you need the physical cards for it??
As i understand it if i buy the 2007 season with card image,it will only show me card images for that season no matter if i buy prior seasons???
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:44 pm

If you buy the card imagining, you will be able to see the cards of EVERY season you purchase! So if you add seasons later, whether they are old or new, you will have the card imagining for whichever seasons you buy.
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Postby MoCrash » Fri Dec 05, 2008 9:21 pm

Hey, Major, I'm interested. I'm in ASFLC with you, but I'd like to form my own team. Give us an idea of what you have in mind (one thing I'd like to see is every team with Average-Average Defense cards, selecting either 4-3 or 3-4 after the draft, instead of drafting defenses separately).

As for coyote303's concerns:

1. Too easy to sack a QB with good blocking by simply blitzing 3 linebackers or getting a successful doubleteam. In other words, a team with 5 pass blocking (best) was no better off avoiding sacks when three blitzed or if the receiver was double-teamed than a team rated 1 (worst). In fact, good blocking teams were actually more susceptible to an all-out blitz than a poor blocking team because their QB had more "pass rush" results. [b:52f81e5a38]There are too many variables to discuss in the CD-ROM version, but the typical overall sack ratio isn't unrealistic.[/b:52f81e5a38]
2. Called right and with a linebacker in the zone, flat passes couldn't net over 4 yards (unless linebacker was burned or on a receiver result). [b:52f81e5a38]Having a LB in the zone doesn't guarantee that is how it will read. It depends on whether a team is out of its default alignment, is showing safety blitz or is subject to dump offs. There is no yardage limitation even with a LB in the zone.[/b:52f81e5a38]
3. Throwing long passes to your halfback was a good way to combat the defense when they double-teamed three receivers. [b:52f81e5a38]It can still be, unless, of course, the Receiver leads one to the HB's long pass card.[/b:52f81e5a38]
4. For that matter, being able to double-team three receivers always seemed a bit much. This also ties in with #1. [b:52f81e5a38]Like anything else, actions have consequences. If three receivers are being doubled, big zones are opened. The only time this is routinely effective is when playing "prevent" defense late in halves, in which case the odds for deep passing attacks goes down anyway IRL.[/b:52f81e5a38]
5. Key a running back and you always get negative yardage off their card (exceptions made for really good running backs). [b:52f81e5a38]On all but good running backs, calling Right is often enough to produce negative yardage. Makes sense to me.[/b:52f81e5a38]
6. Fumbles only occurred on running plays (and special teams). This made running riskier than passing for many teams. [b:52f81e5a38]Receivers and quarterbacks can fumble, too, so can those returning fumbles.[/b:52f81e5a38]
7. Unless kicking out of bounds, punts were always fielded for a return (or possible fair catch). [b:52f81e5a38]Non-coffin corner punts are not always returned, and the ball can bounce for plus- or minus-yardage.[/b:52f81e5a38]

A new concern: What's the penalty for keying a running back if there is only one viable runner? Years ago, teams had a HB and FB and they were both a threat to run the ball, so keying had risk. What's the risk now? [b:52f81e5a38]Keying a RB takes the FS out of the Long Pass zone. Dare you to do that unless you have a 6 covering Larry Fitzgerald.[/b:52f81e5a38]

Hope this helps. Strat Football can be infuriating because even if you do everything seemingly right, you can still get beat fairly often. On the other hand, you don't always pay for your own stupidity.
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