newbie could use some advice....

Postby geekor » Mon Nov 24, 2008 11:37 am

Kinsler has to go, you have more than enough L killing and the D is already bad with Hanley, at minimum that move must be made.

Rant hit the nail on the head, you will lose with that bullpen in your park. All SP gets knocked around, you need a good pen to pick up the slack, with as few as possible BP Hr's. You don't have that. Couple with Bad defense, you may score 6 runs a game, but you're going to give up 7 and lose.
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Postby thisisdan26 » Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:52 am

ditch rafi soriano hell give up like 40 hrs for you
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Postby AeroDave10 » Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:39 am

There are quite a few guys on your squad that are terrible fits for the launching pad that is CBP.

As mentioned above, immediately drop Soriano. He can be great in a pitchers park, but he will kill you in CBP.

Carl Crawford is a singles hitter who doesn't walk much and strikes out a lot. I love him in real life, but he's less impressive in SOM, and certainly not right for a HR park. His 1 defense is nice, but not [i:5bcb1b282f]really[/i:5bcb1b282f] important in LF.

Adrian Gonzalez has been supremely disappointing in just about every league I've played in this season. Like Crawford, low BBs and high Ks, and surprisingly little power. I think he's way overpriced. Also, defense not as important at 1B.

Like my buddy A-Ray mentioned above, too, Zimmerman and Swisher are OK, but really not great fits. CF is the place to go for a 1 or 2 defensively that may or may not have HR potential.

I'm not a big George Sherrill fan at all (in SOM, that is). The only expensive lefty reliever worth getting is Raffy Perez, and I assume he's gone. I prefer righties who can get out lefties (e.g. Manny Delcarmen, Ryan Madson, Jonathan Broxton). For you, Broxton would be a good fit. I would also recommend getting an expensive reliever who is an R2, so he can soak up a lot of those 6th, 7th, and/or 8th innings to get between your average to below average starters and your closer.

Lastly, I'm not sure what I'd do about Orlando Hudson. There aren't many good defensive 2B that hit for power in 2007, so you either need a glove or a bat there. Either way, with his price, I'd rather have a guy with 600 PAs.

Good luck, man!

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Postby Rant » Tue Nov 25, 2008 1:13 pm

As the season has now started, it'll be hard to make moves. You may want to explore trading players like Gonzalez, Hudson, or Crawford who all have value -- particularly to pitchers park teams.

One idea if you feel like exploring is that you currently have three * pitchers. You may be better off dropping or trading Lincecum and Hernandez, and going with a four man rotation. I'd prefer to roll the dice with a cheap * starter (looking at the starters available). Doug Davis will get rocked, but I might take a flyer on him. You could potentially add 1.5M (+a .50M S/R) to your pen that way.

And on the LHP. You have the most lefties I've ever seen in a division. But even then, you'll likely face more RHPs.

One last thought. Swisher in CF is not a good idea. His 3 range rating and +2 arm are a beast. Taveras isn't ideal for your park but his glove is nice and his OBP can leadoff for your squad. He has a 2 inj. which means you'll need a backup, but gotta do something there.

If your season isn't going the way you want, you could always try an iron glove team and play Braun at third and pick up Mr. Bonds.
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