by RICHARDMILTER » Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:38 pm
I am not mad at anyone. However I have seen LM take that tone with me and others. If you were to look at all of my posts the only time I ever get the least bit ,"ill" with anyone is if they start the negative posts with me. I know LM to be a great GM, and he seems like a good guy. I was just very frustrated today, and instead of focusing on my questions, he reiterated what I,... and everyone else already knows. I was just curious if anyone else has had similarly bad drafts (like getting less than half your targeted players). I am sorry if I offended LM,....or anyone else. I guess that was not his intent, and it definitely was not mine. I already mentioned that I was feeling like, "Sour grapes" . But if I can not vent here,.. with like minded players, without a little sympathy,... where can I? I realize nothing is perfect, and I will move on and try my best to build a team within the rules,.. until those rules are changed. The auto draft format could use some tweaking. That is my opinion. And I believe I am entitled to it. Other than that, I am not angry or upset with anyone. LM, I officially apologize. I just did not like you saying I sounded like sour grapes, when I already mentioned that I knew I did. I was trying to see if my case was unique, or if others were unhappy with the present format too. And evidently I am not the only one. Good luck to all.. with all your teams,..unless you happen to be in my division.