Auto Draft...Concerns

Postby Rant » Mon Dec 01, 2008 4:45 pm

You're going to have a heart attack rmilter...I don't think any ill-intention was meant. We're all friends here.

The wait for waivers can weigh on the nerves, but such is life. I've seen many suggestions to upgrade the draft system over the few years I've been involved with TSN. The Live Draft system Bernie put in place was a step in the right direction, but with limited staff time dedicated to the product line (an economic decision, no doubt) there's only so much they can do.
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Postby thisisray » Mon Dec 01, 2008 4:53 pm

I'm not going to choose "sides" here but I feel like LM didn't say anything belittling. There is a frenzy choice to use if you don't like waiting for waivers. There is also the live draft option if you don't like the auto draft. If you want a cap you can even use to draft and put a cap on it. There are many other options than the standard 80mil DH autodraft. Back to LM's comments...I think he was just trying to give you a strategy on how to better get your players. Sounds like he is just helping to me. Hopefully you can find a way to play Strat that you enjoy because this is the best game ever!! :D
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Postby thisisdan26 » Mon Dec 01, 2008 5:02 pm

Last edited by thisisdan26 on Mon Dec 01, 2008 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby thisisdan26 » Mon Dec 01, 2008 5:03 pm

[quote:88d1a5208c="rmilter"] maybe you harbor some feelings of regret for losing to me in past leagues(I do not know).[/quote:88d1a5208c]

Everyone that says anything to make you mad seems to have "lost to you in the past." Just interesting.

[quote:88d1a5208c="rmilter"]That is not polite! You should post to others the way you speak to them when they are standing right next to you.[/quote:88d1a5208c]

The same can be said for you sir, and like Ray said, I think his intentions were only to give advice and help, not to belittle or instigate an argument.
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Postby the splinter » Mon Dec 01, 2008 5:09 pm

I would suggest to all that one should "count to the proverbial 10" before they post anything. :idea:

The resulting post typically is less acerbic and clearer in its intention.

It may also help if one would take ones meds as directed by ones doctor. :roll:
the splinter
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Postby Siberian Knights » Mon Dec 01, 2008 6:24 pm

I agree with DMHowser and rmilter how the AD should be handled. If your first choice is taken, then you get your 2nd choice, etc. This would at least ensure to some extent that our players match up with our ballpark. We all set our ballpark to match our AD - or least hope we all do. Currently we are at the mercy of "luck" to which of our players we get.

If the intent is to simulate real baseball - and I think we all agree that is the intent - then let us have more control to match our players with our ballpark. Major league GM's don't run into this they?
Siberian Knights
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Postby Jerlins » Mon Dec 01, 2008 6:57 pm

I've been a loud proponent of a system similar to that of the Yahoo fantasy draft leagues. You can rank players in order of preference, deferring to your next available player once the player is gone. Nothing was more frustrating than two years ago when I used to put A. Jones first on my list as my CF in Minute Maid (something like 3/16 in ballpark HR's), and ending up half the time with J. Edmonds, who was useless in that park, but the next highest ranked CF. This year's "why we need a better system" may be selecting PNC as your park, putting Ortiz on your card, and ending up with Pujols, which is surely not a PNC hitter. Then of course you have the O. Hernandez consolation (grrr), which I've seen to have gotten more times than I wish to remember.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:38 pm

I am not mad at anyone. However I have seen LM take that tone with me and others. If you were to look at all of my posts the only time I ever get the least bit ,"ill" with anyone is if they start the negative posts with me. I know LM to be a great GM, and he seems like a good guy. I was just very frustrated today, and instead of focusing on my questions, he reiterated what I,... and everyone else already knows. I was just curious if anyone else has had similarly bad drafts (like getting less than half your targeted players). I am sorry if I offended LM,....or anyone else. I guess that was not his intent, and it definitely was not mine. I already mentioned that I was feeling like, "Sour grapes" . But if I can not vent here,.. with like minded players, without a little sympathy,... where can I? I realize nothing is perfect, and I will move on and try my best to build a team within the rules,.. until those rules are changed. The auto draft format could use some tweaking. That is my opinion. And I believe I am entitled to it. Other than that, I am not angry or upset with anyone. LM, I officially apologize. I just did not like you saying I sounded like sour grapes, when I already mentioned that I knew I did. I was trying to see if my case was unique, or if others were unhappy with the present format too. And evidently I am not the only one. Good luck to all.. with all your teams,..unless you happen to be in my division.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:42 pm

Thank you to those who could indeed identify with what I was feeling. And to those who have proposed systems that could tweak the present system. I have read some fine ideas. Thank you!
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Postby gorshar » Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:27 pm

It can be frustrating. In a $200 mill league, playing in Fulton Co. Stadium, I got only 2 of my 15 choices for hitters, most of whom were utterly useless in a bomber park. And as I was building a team on an offense that I didn't get, needless to say my pitching was weak, too. Right now the team is 47-79 with playoff preparations centered on buying a new television.

Alternatively, in other $200 mill leagues, same ball park, I've done very well in the auto draft and watched with excitement as my teams ride along in first place clobbering an average of nearly 3 HRs a game.

You win some, you lose some. That's part of the fun.

If drafts are too traumatic, look to the lower priced leagues, i.e. 60 and 80 mill, there is always a good supply of free agents available after the draft particularly in the ATG leagues.
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