Is this BS or what?

About Frank's team

Postby elpasopesos » Sun Dec 28, 2008 8:23 am

What you failed to see was the incredible offense you had 39 Hr from Hamilton, 42 from Wright .492 TEAM slugging wow. This because you are in Chse field. And that is also why you cant depnd on a lefty closer inthat park and over 150 innings from bad under 1 million dollar relieversYou simply had built the wrong pitching staff for that park and your league. Trust me I know that from experience. Plus I dont remember now but wasnt the defense a little weak? Even worse in a homer park.
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Postby FRANKMANSUETO » Sun Dec 28, 2008 8:42 am

I actually HATE Lefty Closers but Wagner was the only top closer available. Also my defense was not all that bad. All the infielders were 2's. Taveras a 2 in CF and the corners 3's. Thats not that weak. I have seen teams with worse "D" and about the same b pen WIN. HAL hates me. :evil:
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Postby ROBERTLATORRE » Sun Dec 28, 2008 10:48 pm

[quote:35749d9863="Frank M"]LA Bear, IT NEVER EVENS OUT. I have teams blow more saves than anyone in strat. And I am not talking about 1 or 2 run leads. Think 3-4+. And not just the 2nd tier closers or relievers, but the top guys as well. Here is a perfect example of why it will NEVER even out for me. 35 Blown Saves with only 24 Saves. Multiply this by the LARGE # of teams I have had and NO changes coming anytime soon for me.[/quote:35749d9863]

OMG...a 5.80 ERA for the season....YIKES!
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Postby joethejet » Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:59 pm


Sounds like bad luck, but I've seen similar happen in a FTF game so it *does* happen in real life too.

As for Bernie,


He's busy and around! ;) (Except for some well deserved holiday time off)

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Postby Palmtana » Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:56 pm

A couple of September blogs and a thread about players added to ATGIV. Hmm.

Once the 200X game launches it's on auto pilot and those who post for TSN assistance in this forum should only look to fellow players for help. That's the way it's always been. However, what has been missing for many, many months is a response to requests for help, ideas for game improvement, etc. in the [url=]Questions, Suggestions, Issues for TSN[/url] forum.

I spend time in the [url=]Member Service Inquiries[/url] forum answering questions when I can.
The admin there at least shows up once or twice a week.

In the spirit of the holiday's I'll give bernie the benefit of the doubt and assume the lack of attention is because the new bullpen logic is just around the corner. :D
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Postby Play By The Rules » Tue Dec 30, 2008 12:40 pm

[color=red:06fa517c97][size=24:06fa517c97]It's a dice game...[/size:06fa517c97][/color:06fa517c97]
Play By The Rules
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Postby blsmith7 » Tue Dec 30, 2008 3:51 pm

Thanks PBTR ... that's quite a contribution to the discussion you gave. I thought I had said that in my initial post. Oh, I did - [quote:68e27ec129]I know it's a dice game[/quote:68e27ec129]

But, technically, it's not, since I don't throw the dice. But thanks again for your terrific insight and commentary.:roll:
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Postby joethejet » Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:32 am


Well, it *is* a dice game (as you noted) and, to be honest, that I had the same reaction as PBTR, but, frustrating as heck isn't it!

Palmtana, My point was that the die rolls have been rolled out and I know he's been hard at work with the BP changes. They are going to be significant from what I hear. There are only so many changes one guy can work on at a time. Please don't doubt his desire to improve the game. Trust me, he wants to improve HAL as much as we want him to improve.

I can't speak to the Support forums, but it's great when others can help out where they can.

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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Thu Jan 01, 2009 11:27 am

7smitty7 said:[quote:89b21d5cf3]
And "fate will turn my way" if I let it ... what does that even mean? I hope fate is more concerned with other aspects of my life aside from StratoMati[/quote:89b21d5cf3]

Yes, I see your point. Strat is not very important in the big scheme of things. I guess it was silly of me to try and console you after all. My fault,... next time I will just keep my big mouth shut. And I was not aware that you understood the inner workings of the game(I guess I did not understand YOUR post either). My fault again..........Good luck, and have fun. :D
Last edited by RICHARDMILTER on Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby thisisray » Thu Jan 01, 2009 11:47 am

well all things considered, strat is meaningless. its a game that we all love and enjoy, but it isn't life. there are many more important things. i think he was posting it because it was something he needed to vent about, and was important in the strat world, but in reality doesn't mean too much.
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