Cole Hamels, you suck

Worlf F'N Champions......

Postby Ducapa » Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:34 pm

For all you Cole haters, Strat didn't do him justice. He was good all year and dominant the second half of the season and playoffs. Only had 14 wins bc he lost a bunch of 3-2, 2-1 run support, easily should have won 20. Anyway, thanks alot strat for making our World Series MVP have a bad card! Go Phils 2009, RIP Harryy the K, we will miss you!!

BTW, J. Santana sucks, in my current league he gets blown out about 3 out every 4 starts.
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Postby askaufman » Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:28 pm

I have J. Santana and he is doing awesome with Minute Maid as my home park.

9-2 117.2 111 44 37 31 95 10 2.83 1.21

Hamels is a free agent was 3-5 with a 5.38 ERA in Petco when he was cut.

[b:4f85ea7879]God bless Harry Kalas. You will be sorely missed[/b:4f85ea7879]. :cry:

Also "The Bird". Rest in peace.
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Postby Jerlins » Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:26 am

Some guys cards never seem to relate well to Strat as opposed to real life. Such is the case of Santana. Other than the 05 season (If I recall), his card is always less than steller due to the amount of HR's he gives up during a season, and well, toss in those ballpark HR's on a Strat card and voila!!! Instant disappointment!!
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:13 am

Jerlins said:[quote:3b60646788]Some guys cards never seem to relate well to Strat as opposed to real life.[/quote:3b60646788]

Though I love Strat very much, I have to agree with Jerlins that sometimes certain cards seem to continually over or under perform. And I know any time dice are involved there will be variances, however it just seems like some guys never come close to there real life numbers,...even in more realistic, "Stock replays"(that I do on my computer). Cole Hammels' recent card would appear to fit this mold. It is too bad. The guy is a hell of a pitcher.
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm


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