Starting Pitching: What Matters Most?

Postby joethejet » Sun May 03, 2009 12:51 pm

It's all about balance and the combination. A guy with walks and HRs is going to give up a lot of runs because his HRs are going to come with men on base.

What ever method you use to evaluate pitching, you have to take into account the chain of events because they are ,usually, in there for more than one batter and so you have to take that into account when considering high OB guys. And, you also can't forget that they roll on the hitters card 50% of the time so, if you take a high OB guy in a high HR park, all those BPHRs from the hitters cards are going to come with guys on.

All that being said, most of the time, better pitchers will pitch better no matter what the park is and no matter what the make up of their card is.

Some other thoughts:
It's nice to have guys without bp singles in Fenway.
High OB guys are going to do better in a pitchers park.
Same for high BP HRs. Although, if they have low OBs, you can sometimes get away with them in an HR park.
Walks are better than hits and singles are better than doubles. Some guys have decent ob/average, but the TBs (not always from HRs) have to be considered.

Lots of things to consider, that's why I let the computer do it for me! ;)

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