Sign ups:
1. visick
2. Frank M
3. klx22 (may we all have sweeps against Kev!)
4. thisisray
5. keyzick
6. schnoogens
7. jawajedi
8. ehlekev (I hate this league-I'm in!)
9. hawk(hate it as well but need to redeem myself)
10. Sykes (Need a PM when ready to load)
1. Beltran Feebles
Glad I did not miss this one. I will be on Vacation (technically just not in the office) until July 13th. Should be easy for me to send Visick his trade offers once a week. 8)
I'm surprised Jeep hasn't caved and joined this one. This kind of league is right down his alley. Or how about CATom? Where oh where are they. Perhaps they are too wimpy for a man's league like this. :shock:
That kind of creative trash talk should rile them up enough to join this league out of spite. :wink: