Post poor in-game relief decisions here, Part II


Postby Semper Gumby » Mon May 08, 2006 10:12 am


[b:a60dd47f82]PLEASE CHECK YOUR PMs[/b:a60dd47f82]

Back to my example:

Recent game -

Why does HAL keep Kenny Rogers in for 11 innings yet pulls Woods after he yields two hits and strikeouts 12 in 7 innings and he faced a RH batter!

Surely, Kenny exceeded his POW with his S6 rating around inning 7 or 8 especially when he is a hard L tilt player facing a RH line-up.

Of course, my settings have been and always are CONSERVATIVE -

Oh, we see HAL still has an issue with pulling Pedro -


We are in the same league so you're able to see Pedro's performance (now in question) and now you are saying it is REASONABLE for HAL to pull Pedro for Riske because Riske's card has a better RH XBH?

True Riske's card is solid against RH but it hasn't demonstrated that dominance in actual play.

[i:a60dd47f82]Pedro's record vs. RH[/i:a60dd47f82]: :shock:
[list:a60dd47f82]Batters Faced: 286
Walks: 8
SOs: 93
HRs: 6
OAVG: .196[/list:u:a60dd47f82]

[i:a60dd47f82]Riske's record vs. RH[/i:a60dd47f82]
[list:a60dd47f82]Batters Faced: 80
Walks: 5
SOs: 11
HRs: 4
OAVG: .225[/list:u:a60dd47f82]
Who would you want pitching now - Riske or Pedro?

While pulling Pedro for Riske sounds reasonable but it has rarely worked out that way on the playground.

[quote:a60dd47f82]In every scenario you have posted, there is a legit reasoning for HAL to do what he does. [/quote:a60dd47f82]


HAL will pitch Kenny Rogers S6 rated (assume POW lower than S7 rated pitcher) for 11 innings (he had been behind too) but will pull Pedro when he yields 6 hits scattered of 6 innings? :roll:

In 2003, I complained about hitters going cold around the all-star break and received an earful that I just complained too much.

Far from it -

After burning through the CD-ROM stats and conducting a few regressional analysis studies, I sensed that TSN's version had a quirk that seemed to "normalize" some of the power statistics. I didn't make my complaints because I hated to lose but the stats didn't seem right given the trend lines.

[quote:a60dd47f82]You have a beef with a completely different issue than the rest of us on this thread - your true beef is that the pitching settings don't let you use your pitchers EXACTLY the way you want to. The beef the rest of us have is that HAL is unreasonably pulling our SPs when there is simply no way in hell in real life that they would be pulled in that situation.[/quote:a60dd47f82]


That is my beef!!!!

[b:a60dd47f82]HAL pulls my starters early and often DESPITE MY ULTRA conservative SETTINGs too.[/b:a60dd47f82]
Semper Gumby
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Postby geekor » Mon May 08, 2006 12:32 pm

[quote:db4f3cc33c]Pedro's record vs. RH:

Batters Faced: 286
Walks: 8
SOs: 93
HRs: 6
OAVG: .196

Riske's record vs. RH

Batters Faced: 80
Walks: 5
SOs: 11
HRs: 4
OAVG: .225[/quote:db4f3cc33c]

Record and the actual cards are 2 completely different things. Why are you confusing them here?
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Postby joethejet » Mon May 08, 2006 2:38 pm

Here's a weird one.

- Game (ATG II, 2006, etc.) 2006
- Team Name - Shirtheads
- the link to the boxscore

- What happened - See below
- Why you think it was a poor decision - betterWhy did Hal pull Reyes? He wasn't tired, and Reyes is way better v RHB. We were ahead 4-2. Reyes is set to setup and close.

- What you think would've been - Leave Reyes to face at least one more batter which would have made him tired. Well, wait a minute, maybe he *was* tired. If so, why did Hal let him pitch to Mueller? *That* would have been the perfect place to bring in Linebrink! :?


0 G.Sheffield 5 Ground Out b-0
1 J.Guillen 7 HBP b-1
1 1 J.Mauer 4 Walk 1-2 b-1
SUBSTITUTE PR- Cesar Izturis
1 12 B.Mueller 5 Line Out b-0
SUBSTITUTE P - Scott Linebrink
2 12 O.Cabrera 4 Ground Out b-0
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Postby joethejet » Tue May 09, 2006 12:31 am

- Game (ATG II, 2006, etc.) - 2006
- Team Name - Shirtheads.
- What happened - Zito walked a guy with one out in the 6th in a 2-1 game :?
- Why you think it was a poor decision - Um, because there was no reason to pull him?
(relevant settings; game situation; bullpen rest status) - Zito has no individual settings. Relief usage is Normal
- What you think would've been better - leave him in

*** TOP OF INNING 6 ***
0 T.Clark 6 Line Out b-0
1 G.Sizemore 4 Walk b-1
SUBSTITUTE P - Scott Linebrink
1 1 B.Ausmus 7 Ground Out 1-2 b-0
2 2 O.Vizquel 1 Ground Out b-0
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Postby aceventura55369 » Tue May 09, 2006 7:59 am

No relief decision here, but probably the worst HAL move I've seen...


In game 1 last night HAL made some moves that are unbelievable even for HAL.

In the top of the 9th with the score tied at 1 and two outs and a runner on first HAL decides to pinch run for my 2B. He doesn't sttempt to steal or anything and the next guy gets out. That makes no sense, but it gets better. Instead of putting in the other half of my 2B platoon, you know someone who actually plays 2B, HAL puts in Kenny Lofton at 2B??? who proceeds to give up an X chart single and error in the 10th inning leading to the game winning run for my opponent. :roll: :x :roll: :x
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Postby joethejet » Tue May 09, 2006 2:45 pm

Hey Ace,

Looks to me like Orr and Perez were both hurt?

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Postby aceventura55369 » Tue May 09, 2006 5:14 pm


Thanks for pointing that out. That justifies why HAL brought Lofton in, but that makes the original move even more questionable. Oh well, at least there is some logic.
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Postby bernieh » Tue May 09, 2006 6:55 pm

joethejet (1st of 2 examples) and quirks:
My diagnostic logs tell me that the pitcher in question did indeed get tired at the point in question, and (according to yours and my definitions of proper logic) should've been pulled. This is a rare and minor occurence and yet you both happened to encounter it on successive days... the good news is I think the fix is straightforward. Thanks for calling it to my attention.

joethejet, your second example is another case of a starter being pulled too early. As I've stated, I have a solution in mind.

Thanks guys, keep them coming, but [i:32d47a684c]please stick to bullpen logic only[/i:32d47a684c].
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Postby bleacher_creature » Wed May 10, 2006 2:36 am


You know I am a champion of HAL's ability to manage a deep pen with proper settings. In fact, it is one of the few things I seem to be able to accomplish consistently - cheap effective pens.

This is '69, and it is a VERY minor complaint, but I don't see why Messersmith pulled here:


For this series, Aguirre was closer vs lefties, and closer setting was maximize. With a 4-run lead, this seems more like a mop up appearance.

I'm not that concerned, but with Messersmith set on "slow hook", you'd think a complete game was in order.

Here is a wild theory on pulling starters who are cruising like this. Do you think it's possible that this comes from CD ROM programming where overusage is a factor. HAL looks at a deeper pen, has some kind of lead, and says, "this looks like a good chance to limit innings pitched for this starter."

Just a thought.
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Postby thegrayman » Wed May 10, 2006 5:36 am

I have Hermanson set as my closer. He has only pitched 1 inning in games 106-109. Why is Macdougal brought in to close??

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