[b:a60dd47f82]PLEASE CHECK YOUR PMs[/b:a60dd47f82]
Back to my example:
Recent game -
Why does HAL keep Kenny Rogers in for 11 innings yet pulls Woods after he yields two hits and strikeouts 12 in 7 innings and he faced a RH batter!
Surely, Kenny exceeded his POW with his S6 rating around inning 7 or 8 especially when he is a hard L tilt player facing a RH line-up.
Of course, my settings have been and always are CONSERVATIVE -
Oh, we see HAL still has an issue with pulling Pedro -
We are in the same league so you're able to see Pedro's performance (now in question) and now you are saying it is REASONABLE for HAL to pull Pedro for Riske because Riske's card has a better RH XBH?
True Riske's card is solid against RH but it hasn't demonstrated that dominance in actual play.
[i:a60dd47f82]Pedro's record vs. RH[/i:a60dd47f82]: :shock:
[list:a60dd47f82]Batters Faced: 286
Walks: 8
SOs: 93
HRs: 6
OAVG: .196[/list:u:a60dd47f82]
[i:a60dd47f82]Riske's record vs. RH[/i:a60dd47f82]
[list:a60dd47f82]Batters Faced: 80
Walks: 5
SOs: 11
HRs: 4
OAVG: .225[/list:u:a60dd47f82]
Who would you want pitching now - Riske or Pedro?
While pulling Pedro for Riske sounds reasonable but it has rarely worked out that way on the playground.
[quote:a60dd47f82]In every scenario you have posted, there is a legit reasoning for HAL to do what he does. [/quote:a60dd47f82]
HAL will pitch Kenny Rogers S6 rated (assume POW lower than S7 rated pitcher) for 11 innings (he had been behind too) but will pull Pedro when he yields 6 hits scattered of 6 innings? :roll:
In 2003, I complained about hitters going cold around the all-star break and received an earful that I just complained too much.
Far from it -
After burning through the CD-ROM stats and conducting a few regressional analysis studies, I sensed that TSN's version had a quirk that seemed to "normalize" some of the power statistics. I didn't make my complaints because I hated to lose but the stats didn't seem right given the trend lines.
[quote:a60dd47f82]You have a beef with a completely different issue than the rest of us on this thread - your true beef is that the pitching settings don't let you use your pitchers EXACTLY the way you want to. The beef the rest of us have is that HAL is unreasonably pulling our SPs when there is simply no way in hell in real life that they would be pulled in that situation.[/quote:a60dd47f82]
That is my beef!!!!
[b:a60dd47f82]HAL pulls my starters early and often DESPITE MY ULTRA conservative SETTINGs too.[/b:a60dd47f82]