More Realism Theme League- Filled

Postby Jeepdriver » Tue Oct 03, 2006 5:29 pm

You know I had a different under 1.25 pitcher and when I finished up my draft card the next day I said to myself, wait a minute I got the $$ to put Walker on here...FORGETTING all about the under 1.25 thing. :oops:
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Postby LANCEBOUSLEY » Tue Oct 03, 2006 5:37 pm

there goes halladay!
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Postby SCOTTBROWN » Tue Oct 03, 2006 7:36 pm

I had ARod 1st....missed out on Wright it appears.
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Postby Terry101 » Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:28 pm

Utley in top 5 had Willis there too. Can't wait to see what is left of the under 1.25 pitchers. Not much, I think.
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Postby Terry101 » Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:14 pm

Hey, everyone- good luck. don't forget to read the rules again. And, clarification of the reliever rule:

A reliever's maximum number of innings is 130. No reliever may exceed that limit. If a reliever reaches that limit during the regular season he is finished for the year. You may drop him and pick up another before the 142 game mark BUT any reliever you pick up must be 2.5 mil. or under and it is ONE drop ONE add. if you use up a 5 mil reliever, you may only pick up( if you wish) ONE reliever and that reliever can not be over 2.5 mil. And , relievers that have used up their max innings may not be picked up by another team. A reliever can go 130 and be fresh for the playoffs. The limitation is for the regular season.

If you have a reliever that is around 110-115 at game 141 you will need to shut that guy down as much as possible or release him. He can go 130 but can not go over or he is finished. The penalty for breaking the reliever or 500 min under 1mil rule is harsh:


What are the consequences if all the criteria are not met by game 162?

22 Sep 2006 09:21

Quote on page one in answer to LN Bombers question:

You are right. The per-game settings are the only way to ensure the 5 man rotation. It is considered a 5 man rotation when each pitcher has 4 days rest. Never three.

Lets assume that anyone who joins the league will abide by the simple rules as it is easy enough to check to see if everyone is following them by checking at intervals and since the goal is to make the playoffs, any team who has not make the criteria will have his lineup-including the starting pitchers- for the first four games of each playoff series picked by the opposing manager.

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Postby Jeepdriver » Tue Nov 21, 2006 11:13 am


So we can refer to the Rules more easily
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