Hometown Theme League - Full

Postby Ducapa » Tue May 20, 2008 9:07 pm

I'm back, sorry....looks like I never sent my proxies.
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Postby Ducapa » Tue May 20, 2008 9:13 pm

1. misterg (148) -- Houston -- Astros, Rangers - Prince Fielder - mil.
2. splinter - (150) Atlanta - Braves, Devil Rays - Wainwright SP STL
3. bobm1007 (155) - Toronto - Blue Jays, Reds - Pujols St L
4. Emart - (158) Oakland - Athletics/Dodgers - T. Hunter - Min.
5. akindian (159)- Bellingham, WA. - Mariners, Giants Derrek Lee, cubs
6. Detroit BC (160) - Detroit, MI - Tigers, White Sox - Ted Lilly, Cubs
7. Ducapa - (162) - Philadelphia - Phillies, Nats - [b:ccc2f61d8c]J. Isringhausen -Stl [/b:ccc2f61d8c]
8. [b:ccc2f61d8c]Frank M[/b:ccc2f61d8c] - (163) - Long Island, NY - Yankees, O's
9. Madigan - (164) Cleveland, Pittsburgh
10. charliewb - (179) San Diego - Padres, Diamondbacks
11. geekor - (184) LA Angels, Rockies
12. djl3737- albany,ny - (184) NY Mets, Redsox[/b]
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Waivers issue

Postby Ducapa » Tue May 20, 2008 9:23 pm

Lots of good ideas, thanks to all for looking into it. Given that I wasn't planning on drafting more than one round on the boards, I favor the idea of allowing each owner to draft 5 FAs from undrafted franchises on their draft card. This way waivers will award those whose loose out on their picks which would be a bit more fair than waivers being assigned randomly, much more fair than frenzy and much less time consuming than drafting 5 rounds here on the boards.
So on your draft card, place your top 5 FAs in the 1-5 spots and your actual team (frnachises, trades and 1 round draft) in 6-25
I am going to setup the league now, it will be called 2007 Hometown Franchise League. I will pm the password to the East in a bit.
Also, some of you might wind up with FAs from drafted franchises, so remember these must be dropped immediately and you may only have FAs from Minn, Mil, Stl, KC, CHC, Fla
Last edited by Ducapa on Tue May 20, 2008 10:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby FRANKMANSUETO » Tue May 20, 2008 9:25 pm

1. misterg (148) -- Houston -- Astros, Rangers - Prince Fielder - mil.
2. splinter - (150) Atlanta - Braves, Devil Rays - Wainwright SP STL
3. bobm1007 (155) - Toronto - Blue Jays, Reds - Pujols St L
4. Emart - (158) Oakland - Athletics/Dodgers - T. Hunter - Min.
5. akindian (159)- Bellingham, WA. - Mariners, Giants Derrek Lee, cubs
6. Detroit BC (160) - Detroit, MI - Tigers, White Sox - Ted Lilly, Cubs
7. Ducapa - (162) - Philadelphia - Phillies, Nats - J. Isringhausen -Stl
8. Frank M - (163) - Long Island, NY - Yankees, O's - H. Ramirez - Fla. .
9. Madigan - (164) Cleveland, Pittsburgh
10. charliewb - (179) San Diego - Padres, Diamondbacks
11. geekor - (184) LA Angels, Rockies
12. djl3737- albany,ny - (184) NY Mets, Redsox[/b]
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Postby Madigan33 » Tue May 20, 2008 9:54 pm

1. misterg (148) -- Houston -- Astros, Rangers - Prince Fielder - mil.
2. splinter - (150) Atlanta - Braves, Devil Rays - Wainwright SP STL
3. bobm1007 (155) - Toronto - Blue Jays, Reds - Pujols St L
4. Emart - (158) Oakland - Athletics/Dodgers - T. Hunter - Min.
5. akindian (159)- Bellingham, WA. - Mariners, Giants Derrek Lee, cubs
6. Detroit BC (160) - Detroit, MI - Tigers, White Sox - Ted Lilly, Cubs
7. Ducapa - (162) - Philadelphia - Phillies, Nats - J. Isringhausen -Stl
8. Frank M - (163) - Long Island, NY - Yankees, O's - H. Ramirez - Fla. .
9. Madigan - (164) Cleveland, Pittsburgh - M. Cabrera 3B - Fla.
10. charliewb - (179) San Diego - Padres, Diamondbacks
11. geekor - (184) LA Angels, Rockies
12. djl3737- albany,ny - (184) NY Mets, Redsox
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Divisions - do not load your team until draft is over

Postby Ducapa » Tue May 20, 2008 9:59 pm






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Postby emart » Tue May 20, 2008 10:09 pm

My current lineup is too unbalanced favoring LH pitching. Looking to deal any of the guys below for more balanced players or players leaning to RHP.


Will consider dealing pitching or other players if necessary.
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Charlie wb's pick - skip, geekor is up

Postby Ducapa » Tue May 20, 2008 11:49 pm

He had a note when he signed up that he was out of town until late Weds. so if we need to move on before then we should replace him. I think we can wait but just skip him as we would in a live draft so others can pick and load teams since he is in the west, he can go last anyway. Is that agreeable? If so, geekor is up.

1. misterg (148) -- Houston -- Astros, Rangers - Prince Fielder - mil.
2. splinter - (150) Atlanta - Braves, Devil Rays - Wainwright SP STL
3. bobm1007 (155) - Toronto - Blue Jays, Reds - Pujols St L
4. Emart - (158) Oakland - Athletics/Dodgers - T. Hunter - Min.
5. akindian (159)- Bellingham, WA. - Mariners, Giants Derrek Lee, cubs
6. Detroit BC (160) - Detroit, MI - Tigers, White Sox - Ted Lilly, Cubs
7. Ducapa - (162) - Philadelphia - Phillies, Nats - J. Isringhausen -Stl
8. Frank M - (163) - Long Island, NY - Yankees, O's - H. Ramirez - Fla. .
9. Madigan - (164) Cleveland, Pittsburgh - M. Cabrera 3B - Fla.
10. [b:f0add5ded9]geekor [/b:f0add5ded9]- (184) LA Angels, Rockies
11. djl3737- albany,ny - (184) NY Mets, Redsox
12. charliewb - (179) San Diego - Padres, Diamondbacks
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Postby geekor » Wed May 21, 2008 1:27 am

Minn, KC, Fla, CHC, Mil, Stl

1. misterg (148) -- Houston -- Astros, Rangers - Prince Fielder - mil.
2. splinter - (150) Atlanta - Braves, Devil Rays - Wainwright SP STL
3. bobm1007 (155) - Toronto - Blue Jays, Reds - Pujols St L
4. Emart - (158) Oakland - Athletics/Dodgers - T. Hunter - Min.
5. akindian (159)- Bellingham, WA. - Mariners, Giants Derrek Lee, cubs
6. Detroit BC (160) - Detroit, MI - Tigers, White Sox - Ted Lilly, Cubs
7. Ducapa - (162) - Philadelphia - Phillies, Nats - J. Isringhausen -Stl
8. Frank M - (163) - Long Island, NY - Yankees, O's - H. Ramirez - Fla. .
9. Madigan - (164) Cleveland, Pittsburgh - M. Cabrera 3B - Fla.
10. geekor - (184) LA Angels, Rockies - J Mauer C - Min
11. [b:f241be1dad]djl3737[/b:f241be1dad]- albany,ny - (184) NY Mets, Redsox
12. charliewb - (179) San Diego - Padres, Diamondbacks
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Postby CHARLESBELL » Wed May 21, 2008 2:00 am

Minn, KC, Fla, CHC, Mil, Stl

1. misterg (148) -- Houston -- Astros, Rangers - Prince Fielder - mil.
2. splinter - (150) Atlanta - Braves, Devil Rays - Wainwright SP STL
3. bobm1007 (155) - Toronto - Blue Jays, Reds - Pujols St L
4. Emart - (158) Oakland - Athletics/Dodgers - T. Hunter - Min.
5. akindian (159)- Bellingham, WA. - Mariners, Giants Derrek Lee, cubs
6. Detroit BC (160) - Detroit, MI - Tigers, White Sox - Ted Lilly, Cubs
7. Ducapa - (162) - Philadelphia - Phillies, Nats - J. Isringhausen -Stl
8. Frank M - (163) - Long Island, NY - Yankees, O's - H. Ramirez - Fla. .
9. Madigan - (164) Cleveland, Pittsburgh - M. Cabrera 3B - Fla.
10. geekor - (184) LA Angels, Rockies - J Mauer C - Min
11. djl3737- albany,ny - (184) NY Mets, Redsox
12. charliewb - (179) San Diego - Padres, Diamondbacks - J. Santana

Got a chance to get online, should be back home wed.
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