handi league- central filled I'm west look in here for pw

Postby MEAT » Sat Nov 04, 2006 12:14 pm

I read it as choice A, Jeter, if he's gone, man-ram. looks like we could finish live draft today...
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Postby MEAT » Sat Nov 04, 2006 12:15 pm

. terry 101 nm 953 - no speed (#11) - safeco
2. wirruerjubg fk 895 - matt diaz (#3) - us cellular
3. palmtana ca 684 - closer (#2) < 1Mil - Kaufmann
4. stoney ks 543 - (#4) Brian Lawrence - Petco
5. fillies md 503 - 77.0 mil no restrictions (#7) - PNC
6. giddyup81 ct 328 - (#5) 3 starters add up to 13 defensively - Rogers Centre
7. tpassalac az 259 - Injury Team (# - RFK
8. spicki17 va 246 - crazy 8's (#1) - bank one
9. joe ny 245 - no arms (#9) - Minute Maid
10. ArrylT 215 - D. Lee
11. hes meat il 189 ARod
12. rgimbel nj 105 m cabrera
13. rgimbel out of positon- wrigley
14. hes meat #12 Forced trade...citizen's bank
15. ArrylT - 2 drops Handicap and Busch Stadium
16. joe - J. Santana
17. spicki17 - rocket
18. tpassalac - Pettitte
19. giddyup- D. Ortiz
20. fillies - Jeter
21. stoney
22. palmantana
23. worrierking
24. terry
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Postby Stoney18 » Sat Nov 04, 2006 9:00 pm

terry 101 nm 953 - no speed (#11) - safeco
2. wirruerjubg fk 895 - matt diaz (#3) - us cellular
3. palmtana ca 684 - closer (#2) < 1Mil - Kaufmann
4. stoney ks 543 - (#4) Brian Lawrence - Petco
5. fillies md 503 - 77.0 mil no restrictions (#7) - PNC
6. giddyup81 ct 328 - (#5) 3 starters add up to 13 defensively - Rogers Centre
7. tpassalac az 259 - Injury Team (# - RFK
8. spicki17 va 246 - crazy 8's (#1) - bank one
9. joe ny 245 - no arms (#9) - Minute Maid
10. ArrylT 215 - D. Lee
11. hes meat il 189 ARod
12. rgimbel nj 105 m cabrera
13. rgimbel out of positon- wrigley
14. hes meat #12 Forced trade...citizen's bank
15. ArrylT - 2 drops Handicap and Busch Stadium
16. joe - J. Santana
17. spicki17 - rocket
18. tpassalac - Pettitte
19. giddyup- D. Ortiz
20. fillies - Jeter
21. stoney - T Clark
22. palmantana
23. worrierking
24. terry

Sorry for the delay. Had to watch the Huskers beat Mizzou.
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Postby Palmtana » Sat Nov 04, 2006 9:33 pm

1. terry 101 nm 953 - no speed (#11) - safeco
2. wirruerjubg fk 895 - matt diaz (#3) - us cellular
3. Palmtana ca 684 - closer (#2) < 1Mil - Kaufmann
4. stoney ks 543 - (#4) Brian Lawrence - Petco
5. fillies md 503 - 77.0 mil no restrictions (#7) - PNC
6. giddyup81 ct 328 - (#5) 3 starters add up to 13 defensively - Rogers Centre
7. tpassalac az 259 - Injury Team (# - RFK
8. spicki17 va 246 - crazy 8's (#1) - bank one
9. joe ny 245 - no arms (#9) - Minute Maid
10. ArrylT 215 - D. Lee
11. hes meat il 189 ARod
12. rgimbel nj 105 m cabrera
13. rgimbel out of positon- wrigley
14. hes meat #12 Forced trade...citizen's bank
15. ArrylT - 2 drops Handicap and Busch Stadium
16. joe - J. Santana
17. spicki17 - rocket
18. tpassalac - Pettitte
19. giddyup- D. Ortiz
20. fillies - Jeter
21. stoney - T Clark
22. Palmtana - Brian Giles
23. worrierking
24. terry

Go Big Red! No apology needed, stoney. I spent many a Saturday afternoon at Memorial Stadium in the '70's watching the Huskers win 56-0.
For my money, no one since has approached Johnny Rodgers for excitement on the gridiron.
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Postby rgimbel » Sat Nov 04, 2006 10:24 pm

couple of things (sorry)
1.changed my mind (again) on .59 cent team no inj restrictions after all same argument could be made about many of the other handicaps
2. arrylt's handicap-if he has worst overall record he does not have to drop however if he doesnt drop he loses right to trade and 2nd worst team gets that right- he can however drop and still trade. also his two drop players are ineligible for everyone
3. fillies team- if he add drops he doesnt get penalized up to 3 million in other words if he drops a 3m player he can pu a 3m player to replace as long as his total salary remains under 77m if he is trade team with meat he cannot bring back 3m extra salary and than dump-
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Postby IrishJoe » Sat Nov 04, 2006 11:10 pm

For clarification - I assume that when we have the autodraft, the player we have taken in the live draft is to be placed as our #1 draft pick, that is to say, the rights to the live drafted player are not in addition to the autodraft, correct?

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Postby IrishJoe » Sat Nov 04, 2006 11:10 pm

For clarification - I assume that when we have the autodraft, the player we have taken in the live draft is to be placed as our #1 draft pick, that is to say, the rights to the live drafted player are not in addition to the autodraft, correct?

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Postby Palmtana » Sat Nov 04, 2006 11:28 pm

[quote:aa5bfd2b39="rgimbel"]the player that you pick on the board will be your [b:aa5bfd2b39]25th pick[/b:aa5bfd2b39] in the auto draft and you will be guarenteed to get him[/quote:aa5bfd2b39]
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Postby worrierking » Sat Nov 04, 2006 11:50 pm

1. terry 101 nm 953 - no speed (#11) - safeco
2. wirruerjubg fk 895 - matt diaz (#3) - us cellular
3. Palmtana ca 684 - closer (#2) < 1Mil - Kaufmann
4. stoney ks 543 - (#4) Brian Lawrence - Petco
5. fillies md 503 - 77.0 mil no restrictions (#7) - PNC
6. giddyup81 ct 328 - (#5) 3 starters add up to 13 defensively - Rogers Centre
7. tpassalac az 259 - Injury Team (# - RFK
8. spicki17 va 246 - crazy 8's (#1) - bank one
9. joe ny 245 - no arms (#9) - Minute Maid
10. ArrylT 215 - D. Lee
11. hes meat il 189 ARod
12. rgimbel nj 105 m cabrera
13. rgimbel out of positon- wrigley
14. hes meat #12 Forced trade...citizen's bank
15. ArrylT - 2 drops Handicap and Busch Stadium
16. joe - J. Santana
17. spicki17 - rocket
18. tpassalac - Pettitte
19. giddyup- D. Ortiz
20. fillies - Jeter
21. stoney - T Clark
22. Palmtana - Brian Giles
23. worrierking - Jim Edmonds
24. terry
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Postby Terry101 » Sun Nov 05, 2006 12:35 am


1. terry 101 nm 953 - no speed (#11) - safeco
2. wirruerjubg fk 895 - matt diaz (#3) - us cellular
3. Palmtana ca 684 - closer (#2) < 1Mil - Kaufmann
4. stoney ks 543 - (#4) Brian Lawrence - Petco
5. fillies md 503 - 77.0 mil no restrictions (#7) - PNC
6. giddyup81 ct 328 - (#5) 3 starters add up to 13 defensively - Rogers Centre
7. tpassalac az 259 - Injury Team (# - RFK
8. spicki17 va 246 - crazy 8's (#1) - bank one
9. joe ny 245 - no arms (#9) - Minute Maid
10. ArrylT 215 - D. Lee
11. hes meat il 189 ARod
12. rgimbel nj 105 m cabrera
13. rgimbel out of positon- wrigley
14. hes meat #12 Forced trade...citizen's bank
15. ArrylT - 2 drops Handicap and Busch Stadium
16. joe - J. Santana
17. spicki17 - rocket
18. tpassalac - Pettitte
19. giddyup- D. Ortiz
20. fillies - Jeter
21. stoney - T Clark
22. Palmtana - Brian Giles
23. worrierking - Jim Edmonds
24. terry-D. Willis
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