transition updates

Postby djkalle » Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:03 pm

This transition has not gone well. Don't try and start on the new site unless you know it works right, no matter if it takes longer - well, they didn't do that. Don't tell us it will be soon and make us keep looking to see if games are being played each day, tell us if you're taking the weekend off - well, that wasn't done either.

Communicate with us and get the game right. PLEASE!

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Postby Valen » Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:50 pm

Larry, have you tried clearing all internet caches?

Also, clearing cookies might not be the magic bullet. It ouuld be you need to add the new strato site to your list of safe sites.
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Postby gamiam » Mon Jun 25, 2012 12:11 am

Truthfully I've lost interest. I've been away for about a week and I expected something by now, and all I'm reading is the same promises that were given before I left along with many people saying that strat is not responding to its new customers emails. If they don't care about us, I say let it die and move to a competing product. I'll start researching what else is out there tonight because even if they fix it tomorrow, they clearly don't care about the customers. I wont waste any more money supporting their apathy.
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Postby Free Radicals » Mon Jun 25, 2012 12:13 am

These types of problems is why I left here 5-6 years ago. Not to mention the cost of playing here. I play at PennantChase. It's free and I actually win there. No, it's not SOM but the results are just as fun. I'm glad I only have $14.95 invested here. I like free better anyways. I truly feel sorry for all those who have boo-coo bucks invested here. You're the ones really taking it on the chin.
Free Radicals
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Postby Sheikyerboudi » Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:34 am

I've spent more time on my Pennant Chase teams than ever before the last couple of weeks - I run 17-20 teams at zero cost. Not SOM, but once you get the hang of it, fun.

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Postby lafayette1 » Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:23 am

I must say, I'm quite surprised its still not fixed, and there's no word. Truly surprised.
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Postby the splinter » Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:32 am

[quote:ae37a3646d]These types of problems is why I left here 5-6 years ago. Not to mention the cost of playing here. I play at PennantChase.[/quote:ae37a3646d] only come back to complain about a game you don't even play anymore? WTF? Its this kind of post by a some who no longer supports the game that sets a tone others feed off of. If you don't even play here anymore...[b:ae37a3646d].please [/b:ae37a3646d]keep your negative opinion to yourself.

[quote:ae37a3646d]Truthfully I've lost interest. I've been away for about a week[/quote:ae37a3646d]

Spoken like a true American...we can't keep our eye on the ball unless its being thrown at our head!

Seriously...I am as into this game as anyone on these boards. I just don't get the all the complaining. Yes the transition sucks. Yes we are paying customers. Yes we should get better communication. Those points are very valid. But the I quit...I lost interest is a reflection of our collective wussyness. I stated in a league post that I played the tabletop face to face version for about 15 years. I got married and it all went away.....for [b:ae37a3646d]12 YEARS[/b:ae37a3646d]!!!!Then a buddy told me that Strat had resurfaced at TSN as an online game. I was in and have been for 10+ years. If I can wait 12 years...I can wait 2 weeks!
the splinter
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Postby Ninersphan » Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:36 am

[quote:93e7e9d8fe="the splinter"][quote:93e7e9d8fe]These types of problems is why I left here 5-6 years ago. Not to mention the cost of playing here. I play at PennantChase.[/quote:93e7e9d8fe] only come back to complain about a game you don't even play anymore? WTF? Its this kind of post by a some who no longer supports the game that sets a tone others feed off of. If you don't even play here anymore...[b:93e7e9d8fe].please [/b:93e7e9d8fe]keep your negative opinion to yourself.

[quote:93e7e9d8fe]Truthfully I've lost interest. I've been away for about a week[/quote:93e7e9d8fe]

Spoken like a true American...we can't keep our eye on the ball unless its being thrown at our head!

Seriously...I am as into this game as anyone on these boards. I just don't get the all the complaining. Yes the transition sucks. Yes we are paying customers. Yes we should get better communication. Those points are very valid. But the I quit...I lost interest is a reflection of our collective wussyness. I stated in a league post that I played the tabletop face to face version for about 15 years. I got married and it all went away.....for [b:93e7e9d8fe]12 YEARS[/b:93e7e9d8fe]!!!!Then a buddy told me that Strat had resurfaced at TSN as an online game. I was in and have been for 10+ years. If I can wait 12 years...I can wait 2 weeks![/quote:93e7e9d8fe]

Well said.
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Postby Free Radicals » Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:42 am

So I haven't played for 5-6 years. I did play for 7-8 years. I spent thousands of dollar on SOM. I have just as much right to b*tch and moan as anyone else does. I've been watching my sons team because he's been playing. I figured let them move before I jump in. I also figured there would be problems, as I stated. If you want to get on your holier than now soapbox and preach, be my guest, but it still doesn't change the fact that this move has been a total disaster thus far or do you in your infinite wisdom think this has been a great transition. Have a nice day.
Free Radicals
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Postby paul.czarnecki » Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:57 am

I'm going on vacation tomorrow and won't have frequent Internet access, but I fully expect to return in 10 days and find out nothing has changed. :shock:
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